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Page Title: Attaching Filling Line to Commercial Air Cylinder
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(12, fig. 3), and filling line assembly (27, fig. 2) to charge
rubber hose until the pressure in the hose is released.
the ABC-M9-7 or M9A1-7 flamethrower high-pressure
(4) Close the bleeder valve in the rubber
sphere from two commercial air cylinders.  Cap the
unused safety plug assembly (25) of the filling line
(5) Disconnect the high-pressure sphere from
the rubber hose.
c.  Attaching Filling Line to Commercial Air
g. Attaching Two Filling Lines to Four Commercial
Air Cylinders. If many high-pressure spheres must be
(1) Remove the protection caps from the
charged, combine the filling line assemblies (27, fig. 2)
valves of the cylinders.
on two or more kits for more efficient charging.  An
(2) Immediately before coupling a fitting to a
additional metal hose is provided in each kit for
commercial air cylinder, open a valve for an instant to
connecting two filling line assemblies. When connecting
blow out dirt.
two filling line assemblies, remove one pipe plug from
(3) Place the cylinders side by side with both
each assembly and screw the metal hose into the open-
outlets facing the same direction. (If the ground is not
ings from which the pipe plugs were removed The
level enough for the cylinders to stand up side by side,
procedure for charging is similar to the one used for two
lay them on the ground with the outlets UP.)
cylinders (e above). Air is taken first from the cylinder
(4) Connect the pressure cylinder adapters
with the lowest pressure and last from the cylinder with
(19) from the filling line assembly to the air cylinders.
the highest pressure.
h. Charging Two High-Pressure Spheres with
Connect the filling line assembly to the pressure cylinder
adapters (19)Do not kink or bend the metal hose.
Commercial Air Cylinders. To charge two high-pressure
Cylinders must be close enough together to prevent
spheres at one time, set up a second charging line as
strain on the metal hose. Be sure that one safety plug
assembly (25) is closed with the safety plug. Blow dust
(1) Connect a 6-foot rubber hose assembly to
out of the filling line assembly (27, fig. 2).
a coupling nut on the filling line assembly.
(5) Connect a 6-foot rubber hose to the other
(2) Screw the tube reducer (7, fig. 3) into the
safety plug assembly on the filling line assembly.
valve assembly on the rubber hose.
d. Attaching Hose Assembly (36, fig. 2) to
(3) Screw the charging hose assembly on the
High-Pressure Sphere.
Follow directions given in
tube reducer.
(4) Close the high-pressure sphere valve (2,
e. Charging.  Charge one sphere by using two
commercial air cylinders as follows:
(5) Disconnect the pressure hose (1)' from the
(1) Close both filling line valves on the filling
plug on the high-pressure sphere valve.
line assembly.
(6) Connect the quick-disconnect end of the
(2) Open the high-pressure sphere valve (2,
charging hose assembly to the plug on the high-pressure
sphere valve.
(3) Open the air cylinder valves.
(7) Open the high-pressure sphere valve.
i.  Proper Pressure.
(4) Read  the  gages  on  the  filling  line
assembly to determine which air cylinder has the lower
(1) If a filling line leaks, wrench tighten the
pressure. Open the filling line valve at the gage showing
packing nut.
the lower pressure and fill the high-pressure sphere to
(2) When the highest pressure shown on the
the pressure shown by the gage. Close the filling line
gage (1, fig. 8) is less than 1,700 psi, close both cylinder
valve. Open the other filling line valve and fill the high-
valves (2) and high pressure sphere valve and bleed the
pressure sphere until it reaches a pressure of at least
pressure from the rubber hose by opening the bleeder
1,700 psi as shown by the gage on the filling line
valve.  Close the filling line valves (3.  Remove the
cylinder having the lowest pressure and replace it with a
f.  After-Charging Procedure.
fully charged cylinder to complete the charging operation.
(1) Close the high-pressure sphere valve.
With chalk, mark the lowest pressure on the removed
(2) Close the filling line valves.
(3) Open the bleeder valve on the 6-foot

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