![]() TM 11-6625-922-15
When troubleshooting or making repairs in this equipment, be extremely careful. Voltages as
high as 230 volts ac and 250 volts dc are present internally when the unit has primary power
applied. Use insulated test probes when making voltage measurements. Always disconnect the
power cord from the source before touching any components mounted directly to the chassis, or
any part of the power supply. If only making measurements or tests on the printed circuit board
assemblies, the POWER switch need only be set to the OFF position before touching parts or
changing components.
disconnected from the unit, check the resistance or
6-1. General
continuity of any component suspected of being
a. The first step in troubleshooting the TS-
2669/GCM is to localize the fault. Localization means
tracing the fault to the defective circuit. For this
equipment, a fault must be localized to one of the circuit
6-3. Isolation Procedures
modules (para 5-7).
b. The second step, isolation, means tracing the
This equipment contains transistors
fault to the defective part. Some parts, such as burned-
and diodes. Be extremely careful
out resistors or arcing or shorted transformers, can often
when measuring voltages to prevent
be isolated by sight, smell, or sound. The majority of
short circuits. Use tape or sleeving
faults, however, must be isolated by checking voltages
to insulate the entire test prod,
and resistances.
except for the extreme tip.
c. Standard repair procedures (TB SIG 222)
a. Perform isolation checks after trouble is
should be followed after a trouble has been isolated.
localized to a specific printed circuit board or
subassembly by the use of the foregoing procedures.
6-2. Localization Procedures
Use the schematic diagrams and the component
a. General. Familiarity with the overall operation
location drawings (figs. 9-3 to 9-33) to trace signals,
of the equipment (paras 5-4 and 5-5) and the detailed
measure voltages, monitor waveforms, and isolate
operation of each individual assembly (para 5-7) is
trouble to the faulty part.
important. Determine the equipment malfunction with
b. Semiconductors are a major cause of failure
the most probably faulty section, or trace the
than any other components.
Check to see that
malfunction back to its source. Use figure 9-35 showing
transistors are passing signals, and that the base and
typical wave-forms at key points on the modules, to help
emitter voltages are within approximately 1 volt of each
in the localizing trouble and in troubleshooting. The
other at all times. Check to see that the resistances of
location of all modules is shown in figure 9-34.
diodes are high in one direction and low in the other.
b. Power Supply. Check to see whether the power
Check to see that capacitors are not short-shorted or
supplies are furnishing the proper voltages under full
open, and that they will pass an ac signal. Replace any
load. The voltages should be within 3 percent of
component suspected of being defective with a good
one, to verify localization of the fault.
c. Chassis Components. With the primary power
c. Use the extender board to facilitate localization.
See that all printed circuit boards are seated firmly in
their connectors for proper electrical contact. See that
all dc voltages and ground are applied to the board.
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