![]() TM 11-6625-922-15
this measurement. The oscilloscope measurement can
5-1. Transmission Distortion
be read directly in terms of time, or in the case of a sine
wave, time can be computed by a knowledge of phase
Types of Distortion.
Any communications
shift and frequency (fig. 5-1). The time delay is
medium (wire, radio, microwave, coaxial cable, etc) will
proportional to the phase shift divided by the frequency.
degrade a signal passed through it because of at least
three significant distortions.
b. In actual practice, for perfect data transmission it
is only necessary that all frequencies in the information
(1) Amplitude variation with frequency. Typical
band be delayed by the same amount of time. No
circuits invariably have a high-frequency cutoff, and
arbitrary amount of time delay has to be realized. The
may have a low-frequency limitation.
constant time delay associated with this ideal
transmission system will cause only a time delay in the
(2) Phase distortion.
If the transmission
reception of the information, but no distortion.
medium has a phase shift characteristic that is not linear
(that is, if phase shift is not directly proportional to signal
c. The requirement for a constant delay for all
frequency), an effect known as delay distortion occurs.
frequencies in a band can be interpreted as requiring a
constant differential phase shift versus frequency.
(3) Nonlinear amplitude response. The system
may have a response which is not linear with level,
d. The phase characteristics outside the frequency
leading to harmonic and intermodulation distortion.
band may have shape without affecting the information
However, this topic is not covered in the manual.
b. Distortion Measurement. The delay distortion of
5-3. Delay Measurement
a transmission system is more difficult to measure than
amplitude response. If delay distortion is present,
Measurement of transmission delay is most
certain frequencies in a signal band will be delayed
conveniently accomplished by the scheme shown in
more than others. The effect of this differential delay on
a system depends on the information characteristics.
frequency fc in the desired frequency range is
For instance, moderate amounts of delay distortion have
amplitude-modulated with a relatively low frequency, fo.
comparatively small effects upon voice transmission,
This modulated signal is passed through the network
since the ear is not particularly sensitive to phase
under measurement (e.g. transmission line), and the
variations. On the other hand, differential delay on a
output is demodulated to recover the modulating signal
channel used to transmit complex information, such as
f1o. The recovered modulating signal, f1o, is then
radar, video, or television, can result in a large
compared in phase with the original modulating
degradation of the received signal. Delay distortion on a
high-speed data link can result in a prohibitive error rate,
milliseconds the amount of time delay incurred by the
or a completely unusable channel.
modulating waveform as it passed through the network
under test. This delay of the modulating frequency, f ,
5-2. Concept of Envelope Delay
corresponds to the delay incurred by the carrier
frequency fc, which is of prime interest.
a. The simplest form of time delay is the absolute
transmission delay of a signal traveling from one point in
5-4. Block Diagram Analysis
a circuit or system to another. When the signal is a
single pulse or a burst of pulses, the absolute time delay
can be determined. A dual trace oscilloscope with a
a. Carrier Frequency Generation. The carrier
common synchronization trigger could be used to make
frequency generator in the TS-2669/GCM uses a
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