![]() TM 11-6625-922-15
current-sensing resistor. If the voltage drop across R6.
-12-volt circuit is similar to that of the + 12-volt circuit.
exceeds a level as determined by R15 and R16, Q2 will
turn off and Q4 will turn on. Transistor Q8 will also turn
of the + 5-volt circuit is similar to that of the + 12-volt
on, thereby taking all the current from Q7 which had
regulator circuit. The 1-ohm, 2.5-watt resistor is the
been supplying the base current for pass transistor Q13.
current-sensing component. Zener diodes CR3 and
With no more base current, the pass transistors cannot
CR4 derive +18 volts at pin C from the higher voltage
supply any more output current. The operation of the
input at pin A.
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