![]() 2-2. Initial Procedures
The reading should be 6000 + 1200 CPM if the
equipment is operating properly.
Perform the procedures below to place the
b. Operator Check for X-Ray Probe.
radiacmeter into operation:
(1) Follow procedures in paragraph 2-2.a,
then set selector switch to OFF.
(2) Disconnect the coil cord cable from the
Protect the main probe, aux probe and
main probe and connect to the x-ray probe (Figure
x-ray probe window areas from sharp
objects which could damage the light
(3) Detach the probe handle from the main
barrier. The light barrier is very thin and
probe and attach to the x-ray probe (Figure 2-3).
easily punctured which will cause the
(4) Set the selector switch to the 10K posi-
equipment to become inoperative. Keep
tion and center the x-ray probe window as close
the main and auxiliary probe window
as possible over the check source on the bottom
covers (Figure 1-2) in place when the
of the radiacmeter (Figure 2-4).
radiacmeter is not in use.
(5) Read the indicating meter when the
check source and the main probe are in contact.
Operator Check for Main Probe.
The reading should be between 4,000 and 10,000
(1) Open the storage case and remove the
counts per minute.
radiacmeter and main probe from their storage
position. Set the radiacmeter with main probe
2-3. Monitoring Terrain, Supplies, and
attached, upright on a flat surface.
(2) Loosen the two battery compartment
a. General. The main (or aux probe) and the
cover screws (Figure 2-1) and remove the battery
x-ray probe are used to monitor terrain, supplies,
compartment cover.
or equipment. Remember that the window areas
( 3 ) install two BA-30 batteries into the
of each type probe are fragile and can be punc-
radiacmeter. Follow the plus and minus marking
tured or damaged easily.
o n the case for the proper battery position.
b. Procedures for Using the Main Probe (or
Reinstall the battery compartment cover.
Aux Probe). Adjust the radiacmeter and use the
(4) Set the selector switch to the BATT
procedure below for monitoring large open areas.
position and check the batteries.
In areas where space is limited, use the aux probe
(5) Loosen the probe handle retaining nut
(1) Place the radiacmeter into operation by
radiacmeter. Remove the main probe window
performing the procedures in Paragragh 2-2,
(6) Set the selector switch to the 10K posi-
(2) Determine the best configuration for
tion and place the main probe window area over
use and connect equipment as outlined below:
the check source (Figure 2-2) on the bottom of the
(a) Main Probe Attached. R a d i a c -
radiacmeter. Fit the main probe and radiacmeter
meter can be used with the main probe attached
at a right angle to get as close as possible to the
to the radiacmeter (Figure 1-1).
check source.
(b) Main Probe Detached. Remove the
main probe from the radiacmeter by loosening the
main probe handle retaining nut and separating
The check source used in this equip-
the two units. Attach the carrying strap to the
ment contains Thorium (a radioactive
radiacmeter case and place the carrying strap
metal). Thorium is a hazardous material.
around your neck or on your shoulder to aid in
Injury or disease may result if the check
source is not handled properly. Use ex-
(c) Main Probe Extended. Connect the
treme care not to touch, scratch, break,
handle extension (Figure 1-1) to the main probe by
or remove the surface of the check
removing the handle from the main probe body
source while handling them. See the
and inserting the handle extension between the
front of this technical manual for first
aid procedures.
(3) Set the selector switch to the 1K posi-
tion and proceed with monitoring while watching
(7) Read the indicating meter when the
the indicating meter.
check source and the main probe are in contact.
Change 2
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