![]() TM 11-6665-245-12
a . Remove the main probe from the
radiacmeter by loosening the handle retaining nut
In certain situations, it is inconvenient
and sliding the two apart.
to constantly watch the indicator meter
f o r radiation. I n those cases, the
operator should wear the headset. Con-
In the following procedure, the photo-
nect the headset to the headset connec-
multiplier tube in the main probe handle
tor on the radiacmeter and listen for the
will be uncovered. It must not be ex-
sound of clicks generated by radiation
posed to any light at all when the equip-
detected by the main probe (or aux
ment is OFF, or exposed to any light at
probe). When listening in an area of no
all when the equipment is ON. Such ex-
radiation, random clicks (below 100
posure will damage the photomultiplier
CPM) are heard. As an area of radiation
t u b e and shorten its life. Take the
is detected by the probe, the clicks
following precautions:
c o m e much faster and are accom-
panied by higher meter readings.
Change the main probe with aux
probe in a darkened room. Set the
(4) When an area of radiation is detected
selector switch to OFF or remove
by the main probe (or aux probe), the CPM reading
on the indicating meter will increase. Shift the
selector switch to the 10K, 100K, and 1M posi-
tions as the indicating meter needle moves off the
b. Remove two binder head 1/4 inch screws
cable connector). Retain the screws.
c . Grip the handle and the main probe body on
each side of where they separate (right above
When changing to higher measurement
where the screws were removed). Slowly pull the
positions, the indicating meter needle
two apart using a twisting motion.
might remain to the right (off the scale).
d. Remove the plastic plug from the aux probe
In this case, press the METER RESET
and insert it into the large probe opening.
e . Slip the aux probe over the photomultiplier
tube exposed in c above and rotate while slowly
c. Procedures for Using the X-Ray Probe. Per-
pressing it onto the handle. Line up the holes in
form Operator Check of X-Ray Probe (Para. 2-2.b)
the aux probe with the screw holes in the handle.
and use the following procedure for monitoring
Replace the two binder head screws in the han-
areas suspected of low energy gamma radiation
There is no waiting time after connec-
The check source used in this equip-
ting the x-ray probe.
ment contains Thorium (a radioactive
metal). Thorium is a hazardous material.
(1) Slowly scan with the probe window 6 to
Injury or disease may result if the check
12 inches from the suspected object or area.
source is not handled properly. Use ex-
(2) The extension handle may be attached
treme care not to touch, scratch, break,
to the x-ray probe by removing the probe and in-
or remove the surface of the check
serting the extension between the handle and the
source while handling them. See the
front of this technical manual for first
(3) Operate on the most sensitive range
aid procedures.
that does not result in an off-scale meter reading.
f. Test the aux probe for light tightness as
2-4. Monitoring Personnel
(1) Perform initial procedures of installing
The aux probe is used to monitor personnel or to
batteries, checking batteries, and placing the aux
be used in confined spaces for monitoring where
probe against the check source as in paragraph
the main probe cannot be used. The aux probe is
installed in place of the main probe on the main
probe handle prior to use.
Change 2
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