![]() TM 11-6665-245-12
areas exposed to radiation. Move the probe slowly
and hold it close to the body but without touching
The aux probe is not calibrated;
it. In most cases, it will be necessary to listen on
therefore, there is no standard CPM
the headset rather than watching the indicating
value when using the check source.
meter, unless two persons are doing the monitor-
(2) After determining proper operation of
radiacmeier, expose the aux probe window area
2-5. Equipment Shutdown
to a light source while watching the indicating
After mission or equipment use, shut down equip-
meter. Any light leaks will cause the meter to
ment as follows:
show some CPM value. This value is an error,
a. Remove the batteries from the radiacmeter
which must be eliminated before the radiacmeter
and store them in the storage case.
can be used.
b. Place all accessory items into their proper
g. Monitor personnel using a systematic pro-
positions in the storage case (Figure 1-3) and
cedure. Move the aux probe to cover all body
close the cover.
Operator's Controls and Indicators
Figure 2-1.
Change 2
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