![]() TM 11-6625-922-15
applied to the line under test and his TS-2669/GCM will
delay of the line as a function of frequency can be
read the relative delay of the line.
f. Amplitude response measurements are made on
3-5. End-to-End with Return Reference Mode
the receiving TS-2669/GCM by having the operator at
this end of the line to monitor the dbm/% MODULATION
a. To perform a transmission line measurement
meter as the operator at the transmitting end varies the
using the return reference mode, it is necessary to have
carrier frequency.
a TS-2669/GCM on the input to the line (fig. 3-4). It is
also necessary to have a second line available to return
3-6. Loop Mode
the delay signal to the transmitting TS-2669/GCM.
a. To perform a transmission line measurement
b. The transmitting TS-2669/GCM, located at the
using the loop method, it is only necessary to use one
input end of the transmission line to be measured,
TS-2669/GCM at the input end of the line under test (fig.
produces a modulated carrier signal in the pass band of
the line. The signal is transmitted down the line to a TS-
the input of a second line used to return the test signal
2669/GCM at the far end. The receiving TS-2669/GCM
back to the input terminal. The delay and amplitude
demodulates the test signal and uses this modulation
measurements are thus made over two transmission
signal to remodulate its own transmitting carrier signal
lines. If the two lines are of the same type, it is usually
as a reference carrier. This reference carrier is sent
assumed that the forward and return path delays and
back to the transmitting TS-2669/GCM by way of the
amplitude characteristics are equal.
auxiliary transmission line. The operator using the
transmitting TS-2669/GCM can now make delay
Connect the TRANSMIT jack of the TS-
measurements on his own unit.
2669/GCM to the input of line No. 1 and the RECEIVE
c. Connect the TRANSMIT jack of the transmitting
jack to the output of line No. 2.
TS-2669/GCM to the input of the transmission line under
c. Operate all switches and controls on the TS-
test. Connect the RECEIVE jack of the transmitting TS-
2669/GCM to the output of the auxiliary line (fig. 3-4).
2669/CCM as described in paragraph 3-3.
All controls and switches on the transmitting TS-
2669/GCM are to be operated as described in paragraph
d. Delay and amplitude measurements can now be
made by the operator of the TS-2669/GCM.
d. Connect the output of the transmission line under
3-7. Operation under Unusual Conditions
test to the RECEIVE jack of the receiving TS-
2669/GCACI. Connect the input of auxiliary line to the
Although the TS-2669/GCM has been designed to
transmit jack of the receiving TS-2669/GCM (fig. 3-4).
operate over a wide range of temperature and humidity,
Operate the switches and controls on the receiving TS-
operation may be difficult in extreme cold, heat,
2669/GCM as follows:
humidity, moisture, and similar conditions. Observe the
following procedures when operating under adverse
same modulating frequency used on the transmitting
a. Cold Climates. Keep the equipment as warm
and dry as possible. If the equipment has been exposed
to the cold and then brought into a warm room, moisture
will gather on the equipment. When the equipment
reaches room temperature, dry it thoroughly.
(4) Operate CARRIER FREQUENCY control to
provide an output carrier in the middle of the desired
b. Hot Climates. When the equipment is installed
in tents, huts, or underground dugouts, provide the best
(5) All other controls are to be operated as
ventilation. When the surrounding temperature drops,
instructed in paragraph 3-3.
moisture will form on the equipment. Always dry the
equipment thoroughly before operating it.
e. Delay measurements cal now be made on the
transmitting TS-2669/GCM.
The operator at the
c. Dry Climates. Keep the equipment as free from
transmitting end will control the carrier frequency
(lust as possible.
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