![]() T.O. 3lW2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
4. Set front panel SELF TEST switch to off
(down) position. If the proper display was observed in
step 3, the self-test procedure is complete. If an
Self-testing of the multiplexer set
incorrect display was observed, refer to paragraph 6-11
requires that the set be properly
for corrective maintenance instructions.
configured (chapter 3).
6-33. LAMP TESTING. Lamp testing is performed to
determine that the front panel alarms and displays are
procedures overrides the diagnostic
capable of indicating detected alarm and error
function while in the self-test mode, but
conditions. Perform a lamp test as follows:
does not affect or interrupt the
functional operation of the circuits in the
multiplexer set.
The performance of lamp test procedures
Observe that all front panel alarm and
does not affect or interrupt the functional
error indicators are out and POWER CONTROL ON
operation of the circuits in the multiplexer
indicator is lighted.
Set front panel SELF TEST switch to on
1. Press front panel LAMP TEST switch and
(up) position.
observe that all front panel indicators are lighted and the
number 88 appears in the FAULT LOCATION display.
3. Observe that all front panel indicators are
lighted and the number 00 appears in the FAULT
.Release LAMP TEST switch. If a
LOCATION display.
proper display was observed in step 1, the lamp test is
complete. If an incorrect display was observed, refer to
For multiplexer output rates (Ro) above 10
6-34. RT CARD CALIBRATION. Calibration of the RT
kbps, the time required for a final display
card is performed to ensure that the output frequencies
of self-test results is approximately 10
of the reference timing and transition encoding oscillators
seconds. For output rates below 10 kbps,
are within prescribed tolerances. The calibration is
the test time increases as Ro decreases.
performed, using a Hewlett-Packard Model 5245M
Maximum test time at an output rate (Ro) of
frequency counter. The RT card is located in multiplexer
155 bps can reach approximately 10
card file slot 16 (figure 1-2).
Perform calibration
minutes. Maximum test time for output
rates below 10 kbps may be estimated,
using the expression:
Time (seconds)= 90,000
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