![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
features, the functions are independent of each other.
Because of their functional independence, a multiplexer
This section and sections II and III contain
and demultiplexer within a given equipment may each be
introductory information and detailed instructions for
configured to simultaneously process channel data of
preparing the multiplexer set for operation. Instructions
different and unrelated forms.
for preparing the multiplexer set for reshipment are
prescribed in section IV.
3-7. Figure 3-1 depicts the multiplexer set in typical
duplex system applications. As shown in configuration A
3-3. This section contains general information about the
of figure 3-1, input channels of the forms a, b, and c are
multiplexer set and its application within various data
applied to the multiplexer (MUX) function of multiplexer
communications systems. The purpose of this section is
set No. 1. These inputs are combined (multiplexed) into
to assist the user in understanding equipment
a single output data stream and are routed via a
configuration planning as prescribed in sections II and III.
transmission link to a far-end demultiplexer (DEMUX)
that is a part of multiplexer set No. 2. Channels a, b,
3-4. Detailed instructions for configuration of an actual
and c are outputs of the far-end demultiplexer, and are
multiplexer set are contained in section III.
subsequently routed to the assigned users. In return, the
procedures are predicated upon the availability of a set
far-end multiplexer accepts channel inputs of the forms
of completed configuration worksheets.
a, b, and c, and routes them via the transmission link to
describes, by example, procedures for preparing the
the demultiplexer portion of multiplexer set No. 1. Thus,
worksheets and also discusses supplemental factors that
in this example, channel data of the same forms (a, b,
should be considered in planning a multiplexer set
and c) are transmitted in both directions.
system application. Normally, the user is provided with
worksheets that describe how a multiplexer set is to be
Configuration B of figure 3-1 depicts an
configured for a specific application. In such cases, the
unsymmetrical duplex system application in which
user may regard the instructions in section II as
channel data transmitted in one direction are in a
supplementary information.
different form than the data transmitted in the other
direction. This configuration is made possible by the
independence of multiplexer and demultiplexer functions
within a given multiplexer set.
3-6. The multiplexer set is a flexible equipment capable
demultiplexing functions. Except for operating power
and certain display and alarm
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