![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
Therefore, the priority encoding circuits are configured to
LMTIM is generated and applied to the front panel to light
select the probable error source and inhibit the other
the LOSS OF MUX TIMING indicator. Signal MLOT
error conditions that may be generated. The priority
indicates that the system timing from an external source
assigned to each of the diagnostic error inputs to the
to the multiplexer set is faulty. Therefore, the signal
display card is described in the display card discussion in
does not represent a local card error and no card
address is displayed on the FAULT LOCATION
numerical display on the front panel.
5-143. The overall diagnostic functional block diagram
discussion is divided into two paragraphs: paragraphs 5-
5-147. When a diagnostic error signal MRT-, MLEOS-,
144 through 5-153 contain a general block diagram
MSEQ-, MDM-, MGC-, or MTMOG-, which represents a
discussion of the overall diagnostic circuit functions in
common card error condition, is generated and applied
the multiplexer set and paragraphs 5-154 through 5-163
to the display card, mux card error signal LMCRD is
contain a detailed block diagram discussion of the
generated and applied to the front panel to light the
control and indicator functions on the front panel. The
MULTIPLEXER CARD indicator. An error condition,
following discussions are associated with the overall
representing a channel card, in signal MPSA also causes
diagnostic block diagram in figure 5-10
the MULTIPLEXER CARD indicator to light. The display
card also generates the faulty card address associated
with the diagnostic error signal. The card address
consists of tens address signals TAO and TA1 that
contain the tens digit 0, 1, or 2, and unit address signals
5-145. In the multiplexer function, two diagnostic error
UAO, UA1, UA2, and UA3 that contain the units digit that
signals from each of the four common cards are applied
is between 0 aid 9 The signals are decoded on the front
to the display card.
Each channel card in the
panel to produce the proper card location (between 1
configuration generates a diagnostic error status signal
and 22) displayed on the FAULT LOCATION numerical
that is transmitted on the positive stuff request line
display. 5-148. When out-of-tolerance signal OOTXX
(MPSTXX) to the OEG card during word 24. The OEG
from an RCB or a TE/TR channel card is in the error
card, in turn, multiplexes the applied signals (MPSTXX)
state, the display card generates signal IMOOT that
into one serial positive stuff acknowledge signal (MPSA)
lights the MULTIPLEXER OUT OF TOL indicator on the
that is applied to the display card. On the display card,
front panel. The card address associated with the
each of the signals that make up MIPSA is monitored for
applied signal is also generated and applied to the front
an error or no-error condition. Each RCB and TE/TR
panel from the display card to produce the appropriate
card in a configuration also generates diagnostic out-of-
card location on the FAULT LOCATION numerical
tolerance signal OOTXX that is applied to the display
card. A VE card does not generate signal OOTXX-, but
does generate a diagnostic error status in signal
5-149. In the demultiplexer function, 11 diagnostic error
MPSTXX to the OEG card.
signal inputs are generated from the common cards and
applied to the display card. Card error signal DPSTXX
5-146. When multiplexer loss-of-timing signal MLOT- is
from each channel card in
applied from the RT card to the display card, signal
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