![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
5-560. Power supply U48 produces a precision +5-volt
voltage for the APLL circuit.
output that is applied to the SB cards as a reference
5-567. In the following discussions, the diagnostic
circuits on the display card that are active and monitor
the diagnostic signals during normal operation are
5-562. Paragraphs 5-563 through 5-611 contain the
referred to as the primary diagnostic circuits. Diagnostic
block diagram discussion and the detailed circuit
circuits on the display card that are only, active in the
discussion for the display card. The block diagram
self-test mode of operation and test the primary
discussion for the circuits mounted on the front panel is
diagnostic circuits are referred to as the secondary
incorporated in the overall diagnostic block diagram
diagnostic circuits.
discussion in section II, paragraphs 5-154 through 5-163.
5-568. When a malfunction occurs in the multiplexer
circuit discussion for the circuits mounted on the front
set, the faulty circuit may possibly force other circuits in
the equipment to generate false error signals. The
diagnostic circuits on the display card have an
established order of priority for selecting the probable
faulty source when more than one error condition is
5-564. GENERAL.
detected in the multiplexer set. The display card can
monitor 21 error conditions, which are listed in their order
5-565. The display card contains logic circuits that
of priority in table 5-6.
monitor the diagnostic error signals from the diagnostic
circuits on the common cards and channel (functional)
cards in the multiplexer set. When an error condition is
detected on the display card, the appropriate display
signals are generated and applied to the front panel to
activate the appropriate digital readout display and
5-570. A diagnostic check of the active channel cards in
indicators as described in the following paragraphs.
the multiplexer is performed during word 24 by the
multiplexer channel card error detector circuits. The
5-566. As shown on figure 5-43, the function switch
status (error or no error) of each channel card is routed
(MUX OFF/DEMUX OFF/ NORM) can be set to the MUX
to the OEG card on the positive stuff re- quest line during
OFF position to inhibit the multiplexer diagnostics or to
word 24. At the OEG card, the signals are multiplexed
the DEMUX OFF position to inhibit the demultiplexer
into one data signal stream. The composite error signals
diagnostics. When both diagnostic functions are
are then applied as signal MPSA- to the multiplexer
enabled, the switch is set to the NORM position.
channel card error detector on the display card.
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