![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
an error condition, the display card generates demux
c. LOSS OF FRAME B signal LLOFB is
generated and applied to the front panel to light the
DEMULTIPLEXER CARD indicator on the front panel.
LOSS OF FRAME B indicator when signal DLOF is
The appropriate card address is generated on the display
applied to the ERD card. Remote LOSS OF FRAME B
card and applied to the front panel to produce the card
signals LOFBC1/C2 are generated from the ERD card at
address in the FAULT LOCATION numerical display on
this time.
the front panel.
d. The diagnostic circuits on the ERD card
5-152. Signals FAIL, DLOTRA-, and LMOOT are
generate link error rate signal LLER to light the LINK
applied to the ERD card to develop three remote alarm
ERROR RATE indicator on the front panel when a link
signals as described in paragraph 5-163. Card failure
error condition is decoded in the ERD card. Remote link
signal FAIL is generated each time a faulty card
error rate signals LLERC1/C2 are generated from the
condition in the multiplexer set is detected and a card
ERD card at this time.
address is applied to the front panel. Loss of timing
remote alarm signal DLOTRA is generated each time
e. Remote out-of-tolerance signals OOTCl/C2
signal DLOT indicates an error condition as described in
are generated when out-of tolerance signal MLOOT is
paragraph 5-150. Mux out of tolerance signal LMOOT is
applied to the ERD card from the display card. Card
generated from the display card as described in
failure signals FAILCl/C2 are generated from the ERD
card when the FAIL signal is applied from the display
5-153. The diagnostic circuits on the ERD card
supply fail
generate six remote alarm signals that are routed to the
PSFC1/C2 are generated from the ERD card when
remote alarm connector on the rear panel. Self-test
power supply error signal PSFR is applied from the
signals ST1and ST2are applied to the cards in the
power supply.
multiplexer set, and signals LLOFA, LLOFB, and LLER
are applied to the front panel. These signals are
5-154. FRONT
described as follows:
a. Self-test switch signal STS is applied to the
5-155. The front panel diagnostic indicators visually
ERD card when the SELF TEST switch on the front
display the diagnostic error conditions detected in the
panel is set to the on (up) position. Signal STS enables
multiplexer set. The diagnostic indicators are mounted
the ERD card to generate identical self-test signals
on the front panel within three groups identified as
ST1and ST2that are applied to the cards in the
multiplexer set.
ALARMS. One of the SYSTEM STATUS indicators
lights when one of the signal inputs to the multiplexer set
b. Loss of frame A signal LLOFA is generated
is faulty. One of the FAULT LOCATION indicators lights
and applied to the front panel to light the LOSS OF
and a card address is displayed when one of the cards in
FRAME A indicator when signal DFS is applied to the
the multiplexer set is in an error condition. The POWER
ERD card. Remote loss of Frame A signals LOFAC1/C2
SUPPLY indicator in the ALARMS group lights when a
are generated from the ERD card at this time.
power supply error condition is
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