![]() TM
Probable trouble
tween 5 and 10 rad/hr
c. Defective function switch S2.
and then drop to 0
switch S2. Replace switch if
when function switch
is released after zero
d. Defective meter Ml.
d. Replace meter M1 if defective.
e. Defective detector assembly.
assembly (para 3-1). If trouble
persists, replace detector
assembly (fig. 3-2 or 3-3).
f. Defective calibration variable
bration variable resistor
resistor R4, or resistor R3,
R4 and resistors R3, R5,
R5, R6, or R?.
R6, and R7. Replace
resistors if defective.
g. Defective printed circuit
wiring on printed circuit
board E15.
board E15. Replace print-
ed circuit board if de-
Pointer of meter Ml does not
a. Defective function switch S2.
indicate in CHECK band on
switch S2. Replace switch
meter scale; zero control R2/
if defective.
S1 is set to on, and function
b. Defective detector assembly.
switch S2 is set to CHECK.
assembly (para 3-1). If
trouble persists, replace
detector assembly (fig.
3-2 or 3-3).
Meter MI does not respond
a. Defective function switch S2.
properly to radiation.
switch S2. Replace switch if
b. Calibration variable resistor
R4 improperly adjusted.
c. Defective detector assembly.
assembly (para 3-1). If
trouble persists, replace
defector assembly.
The following two items apply only to those radiacmeters that are equipped with an installment light.
Lamp DS1 (fig. 3-1) does not
Defective lamp switch or battery/
Replace instrument light (fig.
light when lamp switch is
lamp clip ring.
Lamp DS1 lights when lamp
a. Lamp switch bent . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. Straighten lamp switch.
switch is pressed but does
b. Lamp switch broken . . . . . . . . . . . b. Replace instrument light.
not go out when lamp switch
is released.
3-6. Replacement of Parts
The replacement part must be located in exactly
the same position as the part it replaced.
The parts of the radiacmeter can be reached and
b. If a part is replaced, the radiacmeter must
r e p l a c e d easily without special procedures. To
b e recalibrated.
r e a c h the parts of the radiacmeter, carefully
c. Do not disturb tile setting of calibration
r e m o v e the battery cover from the radiacmeter
variable resistor R4. Any movement of this con-
(TM 11-6665-232-12), unscrew the captive
trol will void the calibration of the radiacmeter.
screws in the cover assembly, and carefully re-
d. N e w m i c r o a m m e t e r s a r e s h i p p e d w i t h a
move the cover assembly. (Refer to the exploded
wire strap across the terminals. Be sure to re-
views of the radiacmeters (fig. 3-7 and 3-8) to aid.
move this strap before installing the new meter
in location of parts and parts replacement.) The
in the radiacmeter.
following precautions apply to the equipment:
a. Before removing a part from the radiacme-
ter, note the position of the part and its leads.
The replacement of parts on the in-
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