TM 11-6665-232-40
a. Voltage Measurements for Multi-Battery
Radiacmeters. Voltage measurements are made
The following voltage and resistance values
between the negative battery conduct of the
have been made on an operating IM-174A/PD
holder for battery BT-6 (fig. 3-2) and the points
using Multimeter AN/GSM-64B. The data is
indicated in the chart below. Before making
supplied to aid in troubleshooting a defective
measurements turn the IM-174A/PD on and
zero the meter (TM 11-6665-232-12).
b. Voltage Measurements for Single Battery
Before making measurements turn the IM-
Radiacmeters. Voltage measurements are made
174A/PD on and zero the meter (TM 11-6665-
between the points indicated in the chart below.
surements are provided for the detector as-
sembly removed from the radiacmeter. Make
measurements at the detector assembly input
connector between pins indicated below:
Change 1
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