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TM 11-6665-232-40
3-2. Continuity
If the radiacmeter is equipped with an
Continuity of wires used in the IM-174A/PD can be
instrument light, press the lamp switch, and
checked either by inspection or by using an ohmmeter
then release it. The lamp should light when
(AN/USM-223). Refer to the wiring diagram (figure
the switch is pressed, and the lamp should
3-5 or 3-6) to determine where wires are connected.
extinguish when the switch is released. If the
Inspect each wire closely moving it slightly back and
lamp does not light, replace the lamp and/or
forth to determine if the wire is broken under its
the battery (TM 11-6665-232-12).
insulation, When wires are laced or otherwise formed
(3) Press and hold the function switch to ZERO
into a cable, use an ohmmeter to check continuity.
and adjust the zero control until the meter indicates 0.
Locate each end of the wire to be checked on the
(4) Release the function switch to the operate
wiring or schematic diagram and measure the
(center) position; the pointer of the meter should
resistance of the wire. A low or zero resistance
swing upscale between 5 and 10 rad/hr, and then fall
measurement indicates a good wire. Any other value
back to 0.
measured indicates a trouble which will require
(5) Press and hold the function switch to
further investigation.
CHECK. The pointer of the meter should indicate
3-3. Calibration Check
above the check band by 3 meter needle widths. Those
readings below the check band or higher than 3 needle
widths must be replaced by a new battery.
Extremely dangerous radiation exists
in the AN/UDM-2. Before performing the
Batteries BA-1006/U, BA-1391/U and BA-
calibration check of the radiacmeter,
1396/U used in IM-174A/PD contain
observe all precautions indicated in TM
mercury. These batteries can be hazardous if
not handled properly. There is a possibility
a. General. When used in the field, it is important
of the battery exploding or generating a toxic
that the readings obtained from the radiacmeter `are
gas when it is heated excessively. Do not
accurate.  When a calibration check is being
throw mercury batteries into a fire, expose
performed, the radiacmeter is exposed to known dose
them to a high heat or short them out causing
rates of radiation contained in the AN/UDM-2. No
them to heat to a high temperature.
adjustment (other than operational) will be made to
the radiacmeter during the calibration check.
Mercury contained in Batteries BA-1006/U,
BA-1391/U and BA-1396/U is hazardous to
During the electrical check (b below) and the
the environment. Where ver possible, dead or
calibration check (c below), the radiacmeter
expended batteries should not be discarded.
should be positioned so that the meter face is
They should be returned to depot through
up and parallel with the ground.
supply channels.
b. Electrical Check. Before the calibration check is
performed, check for normal operation of the
electrical circuits of the radiacmeter by performing the
When in the CHECK mode, after new
test outlined below:
batteries are installed, some multibattery
r a d i a c m e t e r s will indicate above the
CHECK band by 3 meter needle widths.
Perform the test in an area that is free from
Radiacmeters reading in the CHECK band
or 3 needle-widths above are acceptable for
(1) Prepare the radiacmeter for use (TM
use. Those reading below the CHECK band
11-6665-232-12), but do not install the radiacmeter in
or higher than 3 needle-widths must be
its carrying case.
repaired or recalibrated.
(2) Turn on the radiacmeter by turning the zero
(6) Release the function switch to the oper-
control clockwise from OFF, Allow at least 2 minutes
for the radiacmeter to warmup; if time permits, allow
20 minutes for complete warmup.

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