TM 11-6665-232-40
circuit, consisting of meter M1, resistor R3,
ground return for the ion chamber; pin H pro-
variable resistor R2, and calibration variable
vides ground return for the grid circuit; pin J
resistor R4. The negative terminals of parallel-
grounds a shielding coating on the outside of the
connected batteries BT3 and BT-4 are con-
detector assembly.
nected to the positive terminal of meter M1, and
d. During operation, the ionization chamber
the negative terminal of BT6 (which is series-
conductive coating is held positive with respect
connected to BT5) is connected through resis-
to the collecting electrode. Ionization current
tive network R5, R6, and R7 to the negative
develops a positive going voltage on pin 6 of V1
terminal of M1. This arrangement results in volt-
as a result of its flow through grid resistor R1.
ages of opposite polarity being applied to M1.
The total effect is an increase in plate current
During zero adjustment of the meter, function
flow through V1, a result of an increase in ioni-
switch S2 (c below) is set to ZERO, and variable
zations in the ionization chamber.
resistor R2 is adjusted until the current from
BT5 and BT6 through V1 is equal and opposite
that from BT3 and BT-4. At this time M1 indi-
cated 0. When switch S1 is set to OFF, it shorts
The multi-battery radiacmeter uses six bat-
the meter and dampens the pointer movement
teries to supply the operating power for the
when the instrument is not in use. Resistor R3
radiacmeter. As shown on schematic diagram,
establishes the resistive range of the R2R3 cir-
figure FO-2, batteries BT-1 and BT-2 provide
cuit from 6.8 kilohms to 21.8 kilohms.
bias for the ionization chamber; BT-3 and BT-4
(3) Plate and screen grid voltage (approxi-
supply filament power for cathode follower V1;
mately + 10.4 volts) is obtained from series-
BT-5 and BT-6 supply plate voltage for V1.
connected batteries BT-5 and BT-6. The
Switches S1 and S2 are shown in the normal
positive terminal of BT-5 is connected to the
operating position.
plate (pin 1) and the screen grid. (pin 2) of V1
a. Ionizational Chamber Bias. The difference in
through connectors P1-C and J1-C. The nega-
potential between the walls of the ionization
tive resistive network R5, R6, and R7; the paral-
chamber and the collector electrode is provided
lel circuit of meter M1 and calibration variable
by batteries BT-1 and BT-2.
(1) The positive terminal of BT-1 is con-
resistor R4; and connectors P1-C and J1-C. The
negative terminal of BT6 is connected to the
nected to the ionization chamber through ter-
cathode (pin 4) of V1 through resistive network
minals 3 and 5 of S2A and connectors P1-F and
R5, R6, and R7; the parallel circuit of meter M1
(2) The negative terminal of BT-2 is con-
and calibration variable resistor R4; and con-
nectors P1-D and J1-D.
nected to the grid of V1 through terminals 9 and
c. Function Switch S2 (fig. FO-2). Function
11 of S2B, connectors P1-H and J1-H, and resis-
switch S2 is a two-pole, three position switch,
tor R1.
b. Meter M1 Circuit.
spring-locked to the center (OPERATE) posi-
(1) The voltage developed across the high-
(1) When S2 is set to ZERO (during zero
megohm resistor (located with tube V1 in the
adjustment of the meter (b above) ), the ioniza-
upper portion of detector assembly) by the cur-
tion chamber is shorted (through R1) to the con-
rent from the ionization chamber is applied to
trol grid of V1 through connectors P1-F and
the grid of cathode-follower V1. An increase in
J1-F, and contacts 5 and 2 of S2A. As a result, no
potential causes tube V1 to conduct more heav-
potential difference exists between the ioniza-
ily and thus causes an increase in cathode cur-
tion chamber and the control grid of V1. At the
rent. Meter M1, in the cathode circuit of tube V1,
same time, the negative terminal of BT-2 is
detects this increase in cathode current which
connected to the control grid of V1 through con-
results in a meter deflection. Gamma radiation
tacts 8 and 11 of S2B, connectors PiH and
dose rates are then read direct from the scale of
J1-H, and R1; and the positive terminal of BT-2
meter M1. Calibration variable resistor R4 (in
is connected to the cathode circuit of V1 through
parallel with meter M1) is used to calibrate the
resistors R6, R7, and R5. As a result, normal
bias conditions (control grid more negative than
(2) Zero control R2/S1 consists of switch S1,
cathode) exist for V1.
a single-pole, two-position switch, and variable
resistor R2 mounted on a common shaft. When
(2) When S2 is set to CHECK (during the
check of radiacmeter circuits), the ionization
S1 is set to ON, approximately 1.34 volts from
chamber is shorted (through R1) to the control
parallel-connected batteries BT-3 and BT-4 is
grid of V1 through connectors J1-F and P1F,
applied to the filament of V1 and to the meter
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