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ionization chamber. The collector electrode of
contacts 5 and 4 of S2A, and connectors P1-H
the ionization chamber connects to pin 11, S2
and J1-H, and no difference of potential exists
through R1 and J1/P1 pin H. Pin 9 of switch S2
between the ionization chamber and the control
connects to the common line (ground). Pin 10 of
grid of V1. At the same time, batteries BT-1 and
switch S2 connects to the converter, to complete
BT-2 are switched out of the circuit through
the bias circuit.
connectors J1-H and P1-H, contacts 11 and 10 of
b. Meter Circuit.
S2B, and resistors R6, R7, and R5. As a result,
(1) Voltage is developed across grid resistor
the bias is removed from the control grid circuit
R 1 of cathode follower V1 by current flow
of V1, V1 conducts more heavily, and meter M1
through the ionization chamber. An increase in
provides an indication in the CHECK band on
this voltage increases current flow through
the scale.
V1. There is a similar increase in the cathode
(3) When S2 is set to OPERATE (center pos-
voltage as current flow through the cathode re-
i t i o n ) , batteries BT-1 and BT-2 are series-
sistor R2 (contained in the converter) also in-
connected between the ionization chamber and
creases. Meter M1 is connected between the
the control grid circuit of V1 through connectors
cathode V1 and a voltage divider composed of
J1-F and P1-F, contacts 5 and 3 of S2A, and
R4, R5, R7, and R6. As the voltage on the
contacts 9 and 11 of S2B, and connectors P1-H
cathode goes up, the voltage across the meter
and J1-H. As a result, the ionization chamber
g o e s up and results in a meter deflection.
wall is made positive with respect to the elec-
trode in the control grid circuit of V1. When
Gamma radiation does rates are then read di-
rect from the meter scale. Resistor R3 is used to
calibrate the radiacmeter.
chamber, current is caused to flow through R1
(2) Zero control R5/S1 consists of switch S1,
and the electrode to the ionization chamber
wall, and a positive voltage is produced in the
a two pole, two-position switch, and potentiome-
control grid circuit of V1. Bias for the control
ter R5 mounted on a common shaft. When S1 is
grid of V1 is provided from BT-2 through con-
set to ON, the battery voltage is applied to the
filament of V1, and to the converter. The conver-
tacts 9 and 11 of S2B, connectors P1-H and
J1-H, and R1.
ter produces the regulated voltages required for
d. Instrument Light. The instrument light
the operation of the circuit of the radiacmeter.
(not shown) is attached to the meter of those
Potentiometer R5 is used to balance the meter
radiacmeters that do not contain a radioactive
circuit and produce the same potential at its
dial. The instrument light is used to light the
wiper as is present at the junction of V1/R2.
meter dial during low light-level conditions. The
When these two voltages are equal, the meter
instrument light contains a 1.34-volt battery
circuit is balanced and the radiacmeter zeroed.
When switch S1 is set to OFF, it shorts meter M1
(BT-7), a No. 331 lamp (DS1), a battery/lamp clip
ring, and a spring-loaded switch connected in
and dampens the pointer movement when the
series. When the lamp switch is pressed, the cir-
radiacmeter is not in use.
cuit is completed and the lamp lights.
(3) Function switch S2 is a two pole, three
position switch, spring loaded to the center
(OPERATE) position.
2-5. Single Battery Radiacmeters
(a) When S2 is set to ZERO (during zero
The single battery type radiacmeters use a bat-
adjustment of the meter, (2) above), bias voltage
tery and a dc to dc power supply (converter) to
i s removed and the ionization chamber is
develop its required operating voltages. In the
shorted (through R1) to the control grid of V1
schematic diagram (fig. FO-3) the converter is
through connectors P1/J1 pin F, and contacts 5
shown as a separate block on the right-hand
and 2 of S2A. As a result, no potential difference
side. It inputs and outputs on a row of terminals
exists between the ionization chamber and the
numbered 1 through 10. Voltages on the output
control grid of V1.
of the converter are used to bias the ionization
(b) When S2 is set to CHECK (during the
chamber (pin 5), supply plate voltage for V1 (pin
check of radiacmeter circuits), bias voltage is
removed and the ionization chamber is effec-
4) and for checking operation or zeroing the
meter M1.
tively shorted (through R1) to the control grid of
a. Ionization Chamber Bias. Bias for the ioni-
V1. At the same time, the control grid of V1 is
zation chamber is connected through switch S2,
c o n n e c t e d to +1.4 volts from the converter
pins 5 and 3 and 11 and 9. Pin 3 of S2 is connected
through contacts 11 and 10 of S2B. As a result of
to converter pin 5 which supplies positive 2.8
this increase in grid biases of V1, V1 conducts
volts. Pin 5 of S2 is connected to the walls of the
more and the potential at the junction V1, R2

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