![]() TM11-5895-932-14&P
Item to be Inspected
Pluck-out items
Inspect clamps and sealing of pluck out items
Check for wrong. bent or broken parts
Knobs, dials and switches
While making the operating checks. observe that
the mechanical action of each knob dial, and switch
is smooth and free of external or internal binding
4-8. Cleaning
cloth with water. Mild soap may be used to make
a. Remove dust and loose dirt from the exterior
cleaning more effective.
surfaces with a clean, soft cloth.
a When the finish on the exterior of the
The fumes of trichloroethane are toxic.
equipment has been scarred or damaged, corrosion
Provide thorough ventilation whenever
may be prevented by touching-up the surfaces.
used. DO NOT use near an open flame.
Touchup the surface as outlined in (1), (2), and (3)
Trichloroethane is not flammable but
exposure of the fumes to an open flame or
(1) Use No. 000 sandpaper to clean the
hot metal forms highly toxic phosgene gas.
surface down to the bare metal; obtain a bright,
b. Remove grease and ground-in dirt from the
clean finish.
equipment; use a cloth dampened (not wet) with
(2) Sand the area back to solid paint and
feather the paint edge that leads to exposed metal.
(3) Wipe the area clean and apply to metal
Do Not use trichloroethane on plastic
surfaces, one coat of zinc chromate metal primer
display windows. Damage to equipment
and two thin finish coats of enamel.
may result.
b. When a touchup paint job is necessary, apply
c. Clean indicator glass; use a soft, clean cloth.
paint with a small brush.
If difficulty in removing dirt occurs, dampen the
4-10. General
c. Wow the second step or repairing the faulty
item of equipment is accomplished, depends on the
a. Troubleshooting in the PTF involves deter-
maintenance concept for that item. For example, if
mining which item is defective and then locating the
the equipment is maintained by a contractor, PTF
defect in the item or equipment unit. The first ap-
personnel would simply take the equipment out of
proach or step is on a system basis, to find out what
service and notify the contractor. When the
item of equipment is faulty in a series of equipment
equipment is to be maintained at the PTF, it is taken
that make up the communications chain. The typical
out of service and repaired, u s i n g t h e
communication chain would be composed of the
troubleshooting procedure in the applicable
AMME, red/black isolators, modem, the com-
equipment manual.
munication lines, the modem at the remote site, and
d. Troubleshooting procedures in this section
the remote terminal equipment. A fault in any item
cover the procedure used in the first troubleshooting
will degrade or interrupt communications. The first
step, that is, locating the faulty equipment in the
part of a troubleshooting procedure is to determine
communication chain (para 4-11) and a
which is the faulty equipment and remove it from the
troubleshooting chart for a specific equipment item
system and restore communications. The second
which does not have its own manual. The PTF
step is to fix the faulty item of equipment.
equipment item that does not have its own manual is
b. The time required between steps one and two in
the major alarm panel. The troubleshooting chart
the troubleshooting procedure depends on the
(para 4-14) will aid in locating the defective com-
complexity of the trouble. The simpler type troubles
ponent of the faulty major alarm panel. All other
which involve a complete breakdown, such as a
equipment items have their own manuals, listed in
power supply failure which provides an alarm in-
appendix A, which contains troubleshooting data for
dication, can be located almost immediately.
the repair of the item.
Troubles that degrade the signal or increase the
errors received in a message require more time
because they require the use of test equipment and
The communication chain which connects the
test procedures.
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