lines, require a special item of test equipment, a bit
AMME to the remote terminal equipment has
error rate tester (BERT). It generates a known
several functional areas that can degrade com-
digital signal that can be transmitted to itself for the
munications. The functional areas are shown on the
purpose of determining any errors created in the
block diagram. figure 4-1. The degradation of
transmission. The number of errors are received by
communication is a more significant problem to the
the BERT and totalized and the total provides an
repairman that the complete failure which is usually
indication of the quality of the transmission medium
quite easily pinpointed to a single defective
or circuits being tested. That is, a high number of
equipment. In the communication chain shown, a
errors represents a transmission through faulty
diagnostic program can be run on the AMME and
circuits whereas a low number of errors recorded
the terminal equipment. to determine whether they
represents normal transmission.
are degrading the system. The transmission system,
represented by the modems and communication
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