![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
5-304. When signal MMF=PS is generated during word
output stream that is routed to the reference timer card.
28 and an A is greater than B output is produced from
The block diagrams related to the block diagram
U41, an error condition exists. At this time, the input to
discussions are shown in figures 5-22 through 5-26. The
exclusive OR gate U28-11 from inverter U45-2 is low and
logic diagrams associated with the detailed circuit
the input to the exclusive OR gate from U30-5 is high.
discussion for the GC/DM card are in the circuit
This condition causes a high input to AND gate U37-11
diagrams manual.
from the exclusive OR gate at the time that a high is
applied to the other input of U37-11 from U45-10. This
error condition allows AND gate U37-11 to be enabled
and produce error signal PSERR- to OR gate U47-12
5-309. Format Generation Function (Figure 5-22).
and produce the diagnostic signals previously described.
5-310. The generation of the timing signals is initiated
5-305. Self-test signal ST2- sets diagnostic latch U39,
and controlled by end-of-scan signals MEOS2B and
U47 and presets flip-flop U30-7 to generate diagnostic
MEOS2B- from the sequencer card. End- of-scan signal
error signals MSEQ- and MLEOS- during the self-test
MEOS2B- increments the word counter from words 1
mode. When the self-test mode is completed, error
through 29. Each time word 29 signal MW29 is
reset signal ERST clears flip-flop U30-7 and resets
generated, a preset-to-1 signal is applied to the counter
diagnostic latch U39, U47 to its normally off state when
from the words 28/29 decoder.
the equipment is in a no-error state. Signal ERST also
resets the circuits to their no-error state when the
5-311. The 5-bit word count signals WCO through WC4
DISPLAY RESET switch on the front panel is pressed.
from the word counter are applied to the word 27
decoder, the read only memory (ROM), and to the words
1 through 23 decoder. The words 1 through 23 decoder
generates an enable signal to the ROM during word
5-307. GENERAL. The GC/DM card is one of the
times 1 through 23, and an inhibit signal to the ROM
common card types in the multiplexer set. One of the
during word times 24 through 29. The decoder also
GC/DM cards is used in the multiplexer and a second
generates word 24 through word 29 signal DW2429 that
card is used in the demultiplexer.
The functional
is applied to the data mux function on this card during
discussions for the circuits on the card are divided into
word times 24 through 29.
three parts: format generation functional circuits, which
generate word counts 1 through 29, minor frame counts
5-312. The ROM generates two sets of the three
1 through 31, terminal minor frame count 31, and the
stuffing codes NAC, NSC, PSC, and NACD, NSCD,
three overhead stuffing codes that are used in the other
PSCD during words 1 through 23. Signals NAC, NSC,
common cards; gated clock generation functional
and PSC are applied to the data mux function and
circuits, which generate the gated clock signals for up to
signals NACD, NSCD, and PSCD are applied to the
15 active channels; and data mux circuits, which perform
diagnostic data mux
time division multiplexing of the digital data from 1 to 15
channel cards, plus overhead data, into one digital data
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