![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
sequence, issues a stuff command to the common
two modes: transition encoder or timing recovery. Both
electronics gated clock generator. In response to the
modes provide the incoming data stream with an
stuff command, the gated clock generator appropriately
associated timing signal. with timing thus supplied, the
adjusts the number of gated clocks sent to the channel's
TE/TR card then uses the previously discussed rate
output counter during a predetermined interval. The
buffering, asynchronous-to-synchronous conversion
adjustment causes the output counter again to become
process to supply the multiplexer common electronics
offset from the input counter by the established nominal
section with synchronous digital data.
value. For example, if the output counter is determined
to be operating slower than the input counter, a gated
5-39. In the TE mode, sense transitions (low to high or
clock is added. Conversely, a gated clock is deleted
high to low) occurring in the input data stream are
when it is necessary to slow the counter. The overall
detected and encoded for subsequent processing. Under
process of gated clock addition/deletion, the sequence in
control of an independently generated multiplexer timing
which the operation is performed, and the process by
signal, each detected transition is encoded into a 3-bit
which the operation is reversed at the demultiplexer
data word. The timing signal, which occurs at a rate at
output is termed overhead servicing. The overhead
least three times that of the nominal input data bit rate,
service function is described in paragraph 5-48.
also clocks the input counter of the rate buffering portion
of the TE/TR card. As previously discussed, the output
The basic input rate buffering, asynchronous-to-
of the rate buffering function is synchronous with other
synchronous conversion process discussed above is
timing signals in the multiplexer common electronics
performed by the RCB card, and is applicable to
multiplexer channels being inputted with digital data and
associated timing. While most channel inputs are in this
5-40. In the TR mode, the TE/TR card accepts a data
form, voice and digital data without associated timing are
input without associated timing and provides a timing
also accepted as channel inputs by the multiplexer.
signal for use in the subsequent rate buffering operation.
Voice inputs are processed by a VE card. The VE card
Timing provided by the TR function is derived from an
performs analog-to-digital conversion of the voice signal
independent high frequency clock generator on the
and provides the common electronics section with a
TE/TR card. Divided to the nominal bit rate of the
digitally encoded representation of the voice input. The
channel's input data stream, the timing is automatically
timing used in the encoding process is the gated clock
phase adjusted to coincide with data transitions
signal. Since the gated clock signal is derived from and
occurring at this rate.
The input data stream,
is therefore synchronous with the multiplexer reference
accompanied by its recovered timing, is then routed to
timing source, the output of the VE card is in the required
the rate buffering function on the card, leaving the card in
synchronous digital form.
a digital form that is synchronous with the timing signals
in the multiplexer's common electronics section.
5-38. Digital data inputs applied to the multiplexer
without associated timing are processed by the TE/TR
5-41. As described in paragraphs 5-31 through 5-40,
channel card. The TE/TR card operates in one of
four methods can be used
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