![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
Figure 5-4. Channel Data Asynchronous-to-Synchronous Conversion Functional Block Diagram
variations. Compensation is accomplished by a stuffing
offset between the counters has increased or decreased
process, which is discussed in detail in paragraph 5-48.
or remains unchanged since the previous rate
Since the stuffing operation is actually accomplished by
comparison was performed.
The results of the
the channel card buffering function described in
determination are passed to the common electronics
section in the form of a stuff request.
Referring to figure 5-4, it can be seen that the outputs of
the channel card input and output counters are routed to
The overhead servicing portion of the common
a counter comparator. Under control of a rate compare
electronics section receives the request, and at a
enable signal generated by the common electronics
predetermined time in the overall multiplexer operating
section, the comparator determines if the pre-established
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