![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
2. If the OUTPUT
marked, set switches S2A,
S2B, S2C, S2D, S8A, S8B,
S8C, and S8D to the B
position. If the OUTPUT
The computed KRp/3 value must
block is marked, set the
exactly match one of the six settings
switches to the U position.
of S5. If a match is not obtained, a
check of the computation is
3. Set both jumpers of switch S7 to the N
suggested. A correct computation
(normal) or R (reversed) position as indicated in the
not yielding a match with one of the
DATA N or R block on the worksheet.
settings of S5 indicates incorrect
configuration data on the worksheet.
4. Set both jumpers of switch S1 to the N
(normal) or R (reversed) position as indicated in the
6. Set S9 to the channel data rate listed on the
TIMING N or R block on the worksheet.
worksheet. This completes the setup of the TE/TR card
for the TR mode of operation.
5. Set S3 to the 0 position.
7. Install the TE/TR card in the appropriate slot
6. Refer to the TIMING section on the worksheet,
(1 through 15) in the MULTIPLEXER row.
and note which TIMING SOURCE block (INT or EXT) is
marked. Set S5 to the indicated position. If S5 is set to
3-71. VE CARD (P/N 61864070). No setup of the VE
the EXT position, proceed to step 14.
card is required. Install a VE card in the appropriate slot
in the MULTIPLEXER row for each voice channel input
listed on the worksheet.
Row 1 of table 3-4 is applicable only
to the RT card fitted with an oscillator
whose output frequency is 9, 830, 400
Hz. In such cases, proceed to step 7.
3-73. Procedures for configuring the cards comprising
When an oscillator of a different
the common electronics portion of the multiplexer are
frequency is used, and the desired Ro
prescribed in paragraphs 3-74 through 3-77.
value appears in other than row 1 of
information necessary to perform these procedures is
contained on sheet 2 of the configuration worksheets
steps 8, 9, and 10. If the desired Ro
value is not listed in table 3-4,
3-74. RT CARD (P/N 61864150). The RT card is
perform the procedures in steps 11
located in slot 16 of the MULTIPLEXER row. Set up the
and 12.
card as follows (refer to figure 3-14 for all switch
7. Refer to row 1 of table 3-4, and locate the
output rate (Ro) value entered on sheet 2 of the
1. Refer to the OUTPUT INTERFACE BAL, U75,
worksheets. Set S6 on the RT card to the position
and U6K block on sheet 2 of the configuration
corresponding to the column of table 3-4 in which the
worksheets, and set switches S2E and S8E to the
desired Ro value appears. Proceed to step 13.
indicated position.
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