T.O. 3185-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
n . Type in:
1. Press LOAD switch.
2. When tape movement stops press
o . The TTY shall print out:
LOAD switch again.
TST 01
3. When LOAD lamp is lighted, press
p. When TST 01 starts, immediately
ON LINE switch.
press write switch in address line.
4. If LOAD lamp is not lighted after
q. Go to step 9 of table 6-39.
the tape reel has made five or more revolu-
t i o n s , press REWIND switch; then, when
LOAD lamp lights, press ON LINE switch.
6-78. Repair and replacement consists of
Press reset and load switch.
repair of Processor and Core Memory PC
cards and replacement of PC cards that
f. When tape motion stops, repeat step
comprise the Core Memory CM BSM.
e eleven more times, to reach the twelfth
program. (Tape motion must come to a stop
after each load.)
and Core Memory is the removal and instal-
lation of defective component parts on the
g . Press run switch.
PC cards. There are two types of PC cards
used in the Processor and Core Memory,
h. The TTY shall print out:
standard surface trace and multi-layer
c a r d s . Surface trace PC cards are the Core
Memory Controller and I/O Controller in the
Processor and CM MIA, CM MIB, CM MBA,
CM MSA, CM MMA in the Core Memory.
Multi-layer PC cards are the CPA, CPB, Bus
Controller, Autoload, Parallel I/O, TTY
i . Type in:
Controller, Modem Controller 1, Block
Transfer Adapter, Mag Tape Controller, PBI,
PCB, Printer, Controller and Modem Con-
troller 2 in the Processor.
j. The TTY shall print out:
6-80. Surface trace PC card components
are removed and installed using standard
shop practices. It is not recommended that
repair of multi-layer PC cards be attempted
k. Type in:
by other than highly qualified personnel.
Procedures for the removal and installation
of axial and multiple lead components on
multi-layer PC cards are contained in the
following paragraphs.
1. The TTY shall print out:
BTA = (YES = 1, NO = 0)
m. On Program Maintenance Panel:
Only personnel with appropriate
experience on similar equipment
1. Enter hexidecimal 100 in ADDR
should attempt the PC card repair
procedures given below. If non-
qualified personnel attempt repair,
2. Enter hexidecimal 4004 in DATA
irreparable damage to the PC card
may result.
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