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T.0. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
5 - 7 9 1 .  SN74153N, DUAL 4 LINE-TO-1
is decoded to select one of eight lines
YO through Y7 (pins 7, 9 through 15). In
(see figure 153).  The SN74253N is a 2-bit
the demultiplexing mode, one of the enable
binary decoded dual 4-bit parallel to
inputs is used for the data input and the
serial converter. The select inputs (pins
select inputs routes the data through to
2 and 14) select each of the 4 input lines
the selected line.
of both multiplexers simultaneously. Each
multiplexer is provided with STROBE inputs
5-788. SN74145, BCD-TO-DECIMAL
(pins 1 and 15) to STROBE (Enable) each
DECODER/DRIVER. (see figure 150).
of the multiplexers individually. The truth
The SN74145 is a binary-coded-decimal
table provided show the SELECT INPUT
(BCD) to decimal decoder with each output
(B and A) codes for each input lines.
capable of sinking a relative large current.
Only valid BCD inputs are decoded and for
5 - 7 9 2 .  SN74154N.  4 LINE-TO-16 LINE
a invalid BCD input, the outputs will be
high.  The valid BCD data is applied to
154).  The SN74154 is a decoder/multiplexer
inputs A,  B, C, and D (pins 12, 13, 14
which decodes 4-bit binary coded inputs
and 15) and decoded to select one of ten
into one of sixteen outputs OR demulti-
high-breakdown output transistors (pins 1
plexes data from one of two strobe inputs
through 7, 9, 10 and 11) where each are
to one of the sixteen outputs as selected
capable of driving a relative large load.
by the 4-bit binary-coded input. When
The SN74145 is usually used as lamp
both strobe inputs are low, the output
drivers or relay drivers.
gates are enabled and the binary-coded
5-789.  SN74150P. DATA SELECTOR/
decimal input is decoded and the selected
MULTIPLEXER (see figure 151). The
output line goes low. When either strobe
SN7415OP is a 4-binary decoder and multi-
is high, all of the output lines are also
plexer which operates as an 16-bit paral-
high and when the other strobe input line
lel to serial converter. Depending upon
goes low, the output line as selected by
the 4-bit binary-coded inputs also goes
the binary value of the input data select
(pins 11 and 13 through 15), a specific
low. When both strobe input lines are
gate is enabled to pass its corresponding
high all of the output lines are high (see
associated truth table).
data input (pins 1 through 8 and 16 through
23) to the W output (pin 10) in the comple-
ment format. This selection and multi-
5 - 7 9 3 .  SN74157N. QUADRUPLE 2 LINE-
plexing of 16 data bits is performed when-
ever the strobe input (pin 9) is low (see
(see figure 155).  The SN74157N is a quad-
associated truth table.
ruple 2-bit decoder which operates as a
four 2-line to serial data converters. A
5 - 7 9 0 .  SN74151AJ.  DATA SELECTOR/
separate strobe input is provided that
MULTIPLEXER (see figure 152). The
strobes (enables) all four 2-line to serial
SN74151AJ is a 3-bit binary decoder and
converters simultaneously. A 4-bit word
multiplexer which operates as an 8-bit
is selected from one of two sources (A and
parallel to serial data converter. Depending
B inputs) and presented at the outputs
upon the binary -value of the input data
when strobcd (see associated truth table).
select (pins 3 through 11), a specific
5 - 7 9 4 .  SN74161J, SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT
gate is enabled to pass its corresponding
COUNTER (See figure 156). The SN74161J
data input (pins 1 through 4 and 12 through
is a presettable synchronous binary
15) to the W and Y outputs (pins 6 and 5)
in both complements and non-complement
counter.  Presetting or loading of the
format.  This selection and multiplexing
counter  is  accomplished when a low-to-
of eight data bits is performed whenever
high trasistion is applied to the clock in-
the strobe input (pin 7) is low (see asso-
put (pin 2) at a time when a binary value
ciated truth table).
from 0 to 15 is received at the data inputs

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