![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
baud. Data is transferred between the
Memory will operate in the clear/write or
TTY Controller and INFIBUS as a parallel
read/restore mode.
8-bit byte, and between the TTY Controller
and TTY Function serially on a single data
input line and a single data output line.
figure 120). The Autoload (AlA3A9) con-
There are three addressable registers in
tains three unique types of IC's (type
the TTY controller, data (8 bits), control
SN7496, SN74100, and SN74157N). The
(6 bits), and status (4 bits). The data
applicable paragraph describing these
register receives and contains the data
unique IC's are listed in table 5-1. The
to be transferred. The control register
Autoload contains a fixed, stored execu-
specifies the current operation commands
tive program that is used to reload the
and the status register stores the TTY
Core Memory in the event the program is
Controller and TTY Function status.
lost. The Autoload is initiated by the
autoload pulse (ATLD) which is generated
by the Program Maintenance Panel when
000) (see figure 123). The Modem Con-
the autoload, atld, switch is touched, at
troller 1 (AlA3A12) contains seven unique
power recovery, or power turn on if
types of IC's (type SN7493A, SN74150P,
enabled by PRAL. PRAL is asserted by a
SN74153N, SN74163N, SN74175
switch located behind the Program Mainte-
SN74197N, and SN74198N). The applicable
nance Panel. It allows autoload to occur
paragraph describing these unique IC's
automatically at power turn on or power
are listed in table 5-l. Modem Con-
troller 1 provides asynchronous interface
between the Processor INFIBUS and VF
Comm Link 1. It operates in the byte
figure 121). The Parallel I/O (AlA3AlO)
mode with a data rate of 1200 baud. Data
contains five unique types of IC's (type
is transferred between Modem Controller 1
SN74153N, SN74157N, SN74174N,
and INFIBUS as a parallel 8-bit byte and
N8202N, and N8203N). The applicable
between the Modem Controller 1 and VF
paragraph describing these unique IC's
Comm Link 1 serially on a single data
are listed in table 5-l. The Parallel I/O
input line and a single data output line.
provides interface between the Processor
There are three addressable registers in
INFIBUS and the Alarm Control and VF
Modem Controller 1; data (8 bits),
Comm Link function, providing parallel
control (6 bits), and status (4 bits). The
input and output data lines. Operating in
data register receives and contains the
the slave mode only, the Parallel I/O
data to be transferred. The control
recognizes its register addresses on the
INFIBUS and receives or transmits data to
register specifies the current operation
or from one of its three registers; data
commands and the status register stores
(16 bits), status (12 bits) and control
Modem Controller 1 and VF Comm Link I
(6 bits).
(see figure 122). The TTY Controller
(80331120-000) (see figure 124). The
(AlA3A11) contains seven unique types of
Block Transfer Adapter (AlA3A13) contains
IC's (type SN7493A, SN74150P, SN74153N
four unique types of IC's (type SN74153N,
5N74163N, SN74175N, SN74197N and
SN74157N, SN74163N, SN74191). The
SN74198N). The applicable paragraph
applicable paragraph describing these
describing these unique IC's are listed
unique IC's are listed in table 5-1. The
in table 5-1. The TTY Controller provides
Block Transfer Adapter controls the Mag
asynchronous interface between the
Tape Controller which transfer blocks of
Processor INFIBUS and the ASR TTY Func-
data directly to and from the Processor
iron in the Switch Group on KSR TTY
and Mag Tape units. Operating in the
Function in the ACOC Group. It operates
slave mode it receives initiating control
in the byte mode with a data rate of 110
words or transmits status information when
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