![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
AVELEX 0967-464-0010
5-754. CPB (80331220-000) (see figure
control register that controls the CPU
1 1 7 ) . The CPB (AlA3A6) contains nine
halt and run modes of operation.
unique types or IC's (type SN7415OP,
SN7415lAJ, SN74153N, SN74163N, SN74174N,
5-755. CPA (80331230-000) (see figure
SN74175N, P3205, N8264N, and N8235N).
118). The CPA (AlA3A7) contains eight
The applicable paragraph describing these
unique types of IC's (type SN74150P,
unique IC's are listed in table 5-1. The
SN74153N, SN74170N, SN74174N,
CPB, in conjunction with a matched CPA,
SN74175N, SN74181, SN74182N, and
form the CPU which is used to process
SM74198N). The applicable paragraph
a that is received from either the Core
describing these unique IC's are listed
mory or other Processor modules under
in table 5-1. The CPA in conjunction with
control of stored software programs. The
a matched CPB form the CPU which is
CPB contains microcode control circuits
used to process data that is received from
of the CPU. The microcode control circuit
either Core Memory or Processor modules
consists of three registers (E, S, and M)
under control of stored software programs.
a read-only-memory (ROM) control storage
The CPA contains the INFIBUS interface
unit, and the microcode control logic.
and arithmetic register sections of the
The E register stores 16-bits of data to be
CPU. The INFIBUS interface section
supplied to the microcode control logic.
consists of INFIBUS access logic and
Fields in this register correspond to the
three registers (address, receive, and
microcode instruction word format and
e INFIBUS access logic
specify the instruction code, addressing
provides interface between the INFIBUS and
mode, general register (RI t
CPU by providing control logic as well as
index register, and occasionally a literal
address recognition logic. The three
operand. The S register is a 12-bit counter
registers are gated to the arithmetic
that sequences microsteps, addresses the
register section for logical or arithmetic
control storage and is under control
operations. The arithmetic logic section
of the microcode word. The M register
consists of a multiplexer, arithmetic logic
s t o r e s t h e 3 6 - b i t m i c r o c o d e t h a t specifies
unit, and a register file. The multiplexer
action-a of the current microstep as well as
selects an operand from one of three
control of the next microstep. The read-
registers or a 16-bit input data word.
only-memory control storage unit contains
ord is separated
microcode control words whic
Each field is
in ROM'S. The ROM's form a
r disabled as an
256-word read-only-memory consisting of
logic unit under
nine 256 by 4-bit LSI microcircuits. The
microcode control. The arithmetic logic
unit responds to commands from the CPB
36-bit microcode word contains 13 fields
for specification Of control functions
microcode word. These commands specify
within the Processor and selection of
which one of 16 logical operations or
operands. A variety of conditional test
which one of 16 arithmetic operations is
and skip or branch microsteps are pro-
to be performed. The register file consists
vided in the the field allowing conditional
of 12 16-bit registers.
coding to minimize the number of micro-
steps required per function. `The micro-
code control Logic contains buffers, delay
circuitry, clock generators, and gating
Core Memory Controller (AlA3A8
necessary to control access to the ROM
and controls signal transfers to the
aritmetic register sect
This section
also provides a ""look a
feature that
allows the CPU, under macrocode control,
to access the next microstep while
executing the present step. Also includes
in the microcode control logic is a
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