![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
of basic standard circuits, refer to
5-749. GENERAL.
T.O. 31-1-141.
5-750. This section contains information
pertaining to the different types of printed
circuit, (PC), cards used in the Processor
5-753. BUS CONTROLLER (8033 1160-000)
and Core Memory. These include: 16
(see figure 116). The Bus Controller
different types of PC cards used in the
(AlA3A5) contains two unique types of
Processor, AlA3, and five different types
IC's (type SN74175N and P3404). The
used in the Core Memory, AlA8. The PC
applicable paragraph describing these
card information provided is of a general
unique IC's are listed in table 5.-l.
nature; detailed functional operation being
The Bus Controller primarily controls -
provided in Section I of the chapter in the
all communications occurring on the
applicable detailed logic diagram descrip-
INFIBUS, resolving priority of INFIBUS
access requests. Other functions of the
Bus Controller are alarm interrupt, master
5-751. Also included in this section are
reset, and INFIBUS line loads. The alarm
descriptions of " unique" integrated cir-
interrupt functions after a power line
cuit, (IC), components. Unique IC's are
recovery is detected and either a level 4
defined as those IC's for which no internal
interrupt service request or an autoload
logic is shown on the schematic diagrams
signal is initiated. The master reset
in T.O. 3185-4-308-3, and the IC is
signal is applied to the INFIBUS to initiate
being represented as a block with a func-
a master reset cycle immediately after
tional name and reference designation.
power is applied or when the Program
The IC descriptions provide a brief func-
Maintenance Panel reset switch is touched.
tional analysis of the logic contained in
INFIBUS line loads are resistors on the
these components and, where required, a
Bus Controller which terminate all data,
truth table is provided to simplify the
control, address, and status lines on the
discussion. For principles of operation
Table 5-1.
Integrated Circuit Descriptions
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