![]() T.O. 315-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
gates G20 and G23 are reset at 320 nsec.
conditions RD INIT-P (waveform AB, figure
The leading edge of MWT-P (waveform 2,
111) is gated through G4 to set FFl arid
figure 111) is determined by T200-P and
FF4. Operation is similar to the clear/
trailing edge by T260-P. MWT-P is ap-
write mode except setting FF4. enables
plied to the address register, decoding,
single shot SS2. SS2 generates a 100 nsec
switching, and control and buffer logic
pulse when RD PHS-P (waveform AC, figure
circuit, resulting in the generation of X
111), T260-P, and T140-P are logic 1.
and Y write currents.
The output of SS2 activates gate G18 which
generates DATA AVAIL-N (waveform AD,
figure 111) notifying the Processor that
5-733. CLOCKl-P triggers FF5 through
d a t a i s a v a i l a b l e . The logic 1 output of
FF8 and CLOCK2-P triggers FF9 through
FF10, RR-P/CW-N, also enables the sense,
FF12. At the start of each cycle the 0 out-
i n h i b i t , a n d d a t a c i r c u i t . MSAS-P now
puts of FFS through FF12 are logic 0 (pre-
causes the data to be strobed out of the
s e t ) . The first CLOCKl-P pulse clears FF5,
Core Stack (read mode) and into the data
the second CLOCKl-P pulse clears FF6 and
registers of the sense, inhibit, and data
so on until FFS through FF8 are cleared.
circuit. TINH-P and MWT-P cause this
The 0 output of FF8 is now logic 1 and the
data to be restored into the cores.
continuing clock pulses set FF5 through
FF8. FF9 through FF12 operate in the same
manner as FFS through FF8.
FF5 through FF12 produce a series of
timing pulses at 20 nsec intervals (wave-
forms E through Q, figure 111).
5 - 7 3 8 . G e n e r a l . The address register,
decoding, switching, and control and
5 - 7 3 4 . When FFl sets, the 0 output acti-
buffer logic circuit stores address bits 00
vates gates G15 and G16. The output of
through 15. Address bits 00 through 06 are
G16 activates gate G17 causes MEM AVAIL-P
X address bits and address bits 07 through
(waveform R, figure 111) to go to logic 0,
12 are Y address bits. Address bits 00
informing the Processor that the Core
through 12 select the CM BSM core memory
Memory is not available. The output of
stack address where the data is to be
G15 is delayed 50 nsec by delay DL2
stored. Address bits 13, 14, and 15 are
which activates gate G10 disabling gates
decoded to produce the various BSM select
G4, G7, and G8. At 550 nsec, single
shot SSl is triggered by T260-P and
T340-P causing its output to go to logic
5-739. Detail Analysis (See figure 112).
0 for 200 nsec. At 600 nsec, gate G9 is
The address register functions as an open
activated by T300-P and T180-P which
latch for address bits AIOO-P through
clears FFl and disables the oscillator (G6).
AIOS-P and AI07-P through AI12-P. Flip-
Clearing FFl presets FF5 through FF12.
flop FFl is reset at the end of a memory
The output of SSl holds MEM AVAIL-P at
cycle by CYC END-N. If AIOO-P goes high
logic 0 and disables G4 and G7 via'
when FF1 is reset the output of gate G1
G15, DL2 and G10 until the output
goes low which is inverted by inverter I1,
of SSl returns to logic 0.
causing MAROO-P to go high. 40 nsec
later T200-P goes low presetting FFl which
5-735. Gates G36, G37, and G38 and
causes the high output of inverter I1 and
delays DLS and DL6 generate MSAS-P
the 1 output of FFl to hold the output of
(waveform AA, figure 111) whose leading
G l l o w . The 1 output of FFl prevents any
edge is determined by T200-P and trailing
changes in AIOO-P from effecting G1. At
edge by T80-P.
the end of a memory cycle CYC END-N
goes to logic 0 for 33 nsec resetting FFl
5-736. In the read/restore mode WT INIT-P
which enables G1 again. AIO6-P is
and RD ONLY-P are logic 0 and FULL CYC-P
clocked into flip-flop FF2 on the leading
and MEM SEL-P are logic 1, under these
edge of AIX-P (waveform A, figure 113)
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