![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
G6 is inverted by inverter I2 which generates
CLOCK2-P (waveform D, figure 111).
CLOCKl-P and CLOCK2-P trigger FF5
through FF12.
5 - 7 2 9 . G e n e r a l . The timing and control
logic circuit is controlled by the Pro-
5 - 7 3 2 . The output of G7, CWST-N (wave-
cessor Core Memory Controller. This
circuit determines whether the Core
form S, figure 111), activates gate G34
generating PRE YRT-P (waveform T, figure
Memory will operate in the clear/write or
111) which is routed to the address register,
read restore mode.
decoding, switching, and control and buf-
fer logic circuit. The output of G34 is in-
5-730. Detail Analysis (See figure 110).
At turn-on, PWR RDY-P enables gate G3.
verted by inverter I5 which causes gate
After the 4 usec delay of delay DLl, G3 is
G23 to go to logic 1 enabling gates G1,
activated which turns off transistor switch
G28, G31, G32, G35, G36, and G37 and
single shot SS2. Gate G30 generates a
Ql, causing GEN RST-N to go high. While
200 nsec positive pulse that activates G31.
GEN RST-N is low (before G3 is activated),
The output of G31, MRT-N (waveform U,
flip-flop FF1 is cleared and gate G20 is
figure 111), is applied to the address regis-
a c t i v a t e d . The 1 output of FFl, BUSY-N
ter, decoding, switching, and control and
(low), presets flip-flops FF5 through FF7
buffer logic circuit to allow current flow
and FF10 and FF11. At this time, BUSY-N
in the core stack, thereby clearing the
also activates gate G2 which generates
c o r e s . The logic 0 output of I5 is inverted
BUSG-N. BUSG-N presets flip-flops FF8,
by inverter I6 which activates G35. The
FF9, and FF12. GEN RST-N also activates
output of G35, RDR-P (waveform V, figure
gate G14 which presets flip-flop FF2,
111), resets the data registers in the sense,
resets flip-flop FF3, and generates CYC
inhibit, and data circuit. G28 generates
E N D - N . If PWR RDY-P goes low (power
a 60 nsec negative pulse that activates
failure has occurred) and BUSY-N is low,
gate G29. G29 generates DIX-P (wave-
the output of G1 goes high causing GEN
form W, figure 111) that clocks the data
RST-N to go low. However, if PWR
into the sense, inhibit, and data circuit
RDY-P goes low during a memory cycle
d a t a r e g i s t e r s . When the output of G21
(BUSY-N high) the output of G3 rernains
returns to logic 1, gate G26 is activated
low until BUSY-N goes low which dis-
because RD ST-N (waveform X, figure 111)
ables G3. Disabling G3 turns on tran-
and CW ST-N are logic 1. Gate G27 gen-
sistor switch Ql which generates GCN
erates a pulse whose leading edge is
RST-N, Another memory cycle cannot be
determined. by T40-P and trailing edge by
started until PWR RDY-P returns to logic 1.
T 1 2 0 - P . The output of G27 is inverted by
invertcr I4 and routed to the Core Memory
5 - 7 3 1 . In the clear/write mode RD INIT-P
sense, inhibit, and data circuit as TINH-P
and RD ONLY-P are logic 0 and FULL CYC-P
(waveform Y, f i g u r e 1 1 1 ) g e n e r a t i n g t h e
and MEM SEL-P are logic 1. Under these
inhibit current through the cores where
c o n d i t i o n s , WT INIT-P (waveform A, figure
a zero is to be stored. TINH-P is also
111) activates gate G7 which sets
inverted by invcrter I3 and pulse shaper
F F l . The output of G7 activates gate G11
C23, R35, and R36 generates a 33 nsec
which generates AIX-P (waveform B, figure
positive pulse on the trailing edge of
111). The output of G7 also clears flip-
TINH-P which activates gate G13. The
flop FF4. A M - P c l o c k s t h e a d d r e s s r e g i s -
output of G13 activates G14 which gener-
ter decoding, switching, and control and
ates CYC END-N. CYC END-N is applied
buffer logic circuit.
Disabling G8
to the Core Memory a d d r e s s r e g i s t e r , d e -
activates gate G5 which enables the ossscil-
coding, switching, and control a n d b u f f e r
lator consisting of gates G5 and G6 and the
logic circuit to set the cycle busy flip-
shifter. T h e o u t p u t o f G 5 i s i n v e r t e d
by inverter I1 which generates CLOCK1-P
(waveform C, figure 111). The output of
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