![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
setting FF2. The 0 output of FF2 is in-
the output lines to go low. This low level
verted by inverter I2 which generates
is applied to the pulse transformer which
MAR06-P. AI13-P, AI14-P, and EI15-P
causes the transistor switch to generate a
are inverted by inverters I3, I5, and I7.
positive pulse on the selected line,
YCAOO-P through YCAO7-P. Address
The outputs of I3, I5, and I7 are clocked
into FF3, FF4, and FF5 on the leading edge
decoder U21 decodes MAR10-P through
of AM-P. The outputs of FF3, FF4, and
MAR12-P causing one of the output lines
FF5 are applied to the BSM select decoder
to go low. This low level is applied to
the pulse transformer which causes the
U39, U40, and U41 which generates the
transistor switch to generate a negative
required BSM select signal, BSM00-P
through BSMO4-P, to enable the selected
pulse on the selected line, YSOO-P
through YSO7-P. The YS line selects a
CM BSM. The following discussion
group of 8 lines out of 8 groups and the
assumes that the first BSM is being selected
YCA line selects one line of the group of
(BSMOO-P high).
8 and allows Y read current to flow through
the selected Y core line from the YS line to
5-740. During a read cycle, PRE YRT-P
the YCA line. The Y core line is threaded
(waveform B, figure 113) activates gate G2
through 18 cores, one in each mat. When
which determines the leading edge of
X and Y read current flows through the
YRT-N (waveform D, figure 113). MRT-N
selected core and if the core is in a 1
(waveform C, figure 113) is inverted by
state, the core turns over (returns to 0
inverter I6 which determines the trailing
state) generating a pulse on the sense/
edge of YRT-N. The output of I6 also acti-
inhibit line.
vates gate G3 which generates XRTl-P.
The output of G3 also activates gate G4.
Address decoder U17 is enabled by the out-
5 - 7 4 1 . During a write cycle, MWT-P
put of G4 and decodes MAROO-P through
activates gate G5 which generates WTl-P
MAR02-P causing one of the address decoder
(waveform E, figure 113). WTl-P is
output lines to go low. This low level
inverted by inverter I8 which enables
is applied to the pulse transformer which
address decoder U13. Address de-
causes the transistor switch to generate a
coder U13 decodes MAR00-P through
positive pulse on the selected line, XCAOO-P
MAR02-P causing one of the address
through XCAO7-P. XRTl-P enables G8 and
decoder U13 output lines to go low. This
G9 and if MARO6-P is high the output of
low level is applied to the pulse trans-
driver DR2,
06-P, is high, G9 is acti-
former which causes the transistor switch
vated which enables address decoder U23.
to generate a negative pulse on the
If MAR06-P is low the output of inverter
selected Sine, XCC00-N through XCCO7-N.
I4 is high, G8 is activated which enables
WTl-P enables G6 and G7 and if MAR06-P
address decoder U19. Address decoders
is high the output of DR2 is high, G6 is
U19 and U23 decode MARO3-P through
activated which enables address decoder
5-P and cause one of 16 outputs to
U24. If MAR06-P is low the output of J4
go low. This low level is applied to the
is high, which activates G7 enabling
sformer which causes the transis-
address decoder U15. Address decoders
to generate a negative pulse on
U15 and U24 decode MARO3-P through
the selected line, XSOO-P through XS15-P.
MAR05-P and cause one of 16 outputs to
The XS line selects one group of 8 Pines
go low. This low level is applied to the
out of 16 groups and the XCA line selects
pulse transformer which causes the
one line of the group of 8 and allows X
transistor switch to generate a positive
read current to flow through the selected X
pulse on the selected line, XSOO-P through
core lime from the XS line to the XCA line.
XS15-P. The XS line selects a group
of 8
The X core line is threaded through 18
Pines out of 16 groups and the XCC line
c o r e s , owe in each mat (each mat has 8192
selects one line of the group of 8 and
c o r e s ) . YRT-N enables address decoders
allows X write current to flow through the
UI8 and U2I. Address decoder Ul8 decodes
selected X core line from the XCC line
7-P through MAR09-P causing one of
to the XS line. WT2-N also enables
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