![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
INFIBUS access circuit. The output
of G27 is routed to G28 which is disabled
by FACR-N. CFOA-P activates G37 causing
OFCP-P to clear FF7 and FF9. Because
5 - 7 1 7 . General. The Program Maintenance
state generator U34 is now in its quiescent
Panel INFIBUS access circuit detects when
state (all outputs low), all operations in
the Program Maintenance Panel state gen-
the Program Maintenance Panel state
eration and micro operations circuit is re-
generation and micro operations circuit
questing an INFIBUS access for a direct
cease until the run or step switch is
data transfer and causes the direct data
transfer to occur. These circuits also
detect when the state generation and
5-714. When the attention, attn, switch
micro operations circuit is requesting a
on the Program Maintenance Panel mis-
level 1 interrupt to be generated and gen-
cellaneous control circuit is touched the
erates the level 1 interrupt. If the func-
Program Maintenance Panel INFIBUS access
tion addressing the Program Maintenance
circuit generates a level 1 interrupt. In
Panel is writing into the Program Mainte-
addition, the Program Maintenance Panel
nance Panel, the Program Maintenance
state generation and micro operations cir-
Panel INFIBUS access logic circuit also
cuit causes the Program Maintenance Panel
causes the information on the INFIBUS
address, FF80 16, to be strobed to the
data lines to be displayed by the address
INFIBUS data lines when INFIBUS access
or data LEDS. If the function addressing
is gained. When the attn switch is touched,
the Program Maintenance Panel is reading
FlSS-P goes high and, if an address recog-
from the Program Maintenance Panel, the
nition has not occurred (SARO-N high),
information from the address shift register
G50 is activated causing VADB-P to go
or data shift register is strobed to the
high. With RNDB-P and HTDB-P low and
INFIBUS data lines.
VADB-P high, the Program Maintenance
Panel address is strobed to the INFIBUS
5-718. Detail Analysis (see figure 108).
data lines when INFIBUS access is gained.
When the Program Maintenance Panel state
generation and micro operations circuit
5-715. When the Program Maintenance
receives a master reset pulse, MRES-N,
Panel is operating in the slave mode,
MREU-N goes low for the duration of
RO-N goes low when the Program Mainte-
MRES-N. MREU-N clears flip-flops FF3,
nance Panel address multiplexer, bus
FF6, FF9, FF10, FF12, and FF14, acti-
driver receiver and recognition circuit de-
vates gate G15 which resets flip-flop FF4,
tects the Program Maintenance Panel ad-
activates gate G18 which resets flip-flop
dress on the INFIBUS address lines.
FF5, and activates gates G16 and G35.
The output of G35 is inverted by inverter
SARO-N disables G49, G50, and G51
I14 which clears flip-flop FF13. The out-
which causes RNDB-P, VADB-P and HTDB-P
put of G16, RFlS-N, activates gate G25
to remain Pow. SARO-N is also Inverted
which clears flip-flop FF8. With FF6 and
by inverter I22 whic enables G52. The
FF8 cleared, gate G24 is activated which
output of I22, SARP-P, is routed to the
clears flip-flop FF11.
Program Maintenance Panel INFIBUS ac-
cess circuit to enable either the information
5 - 7 1 9 . When the Program Maintenance
determined by the address switches or by
US access circuit is required
e data switches to be strobed to the
INFIBUS data lines. If AOIA-P is low,
igh and the information deter-
mined by the address switches is strobed
to the INFIBUS data lines. If AOIA-P is
high, G52 as activated and DRDB-N is low,
and the information determined by the data
switches is strobed to to the INFIBUS data
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