![]() T.O.
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
When a resister read switch closure is de-
to activate gate G19. The output of Gl9
tected, FRGS-P and SBCP-P go high which
s e t s F F 6 . T h e 0 output of FF6 disables
also activates G11, and DSCB-N, FMRA-N,
gates G14, G21, and G31 and activates
and FMRS-P are generated as explained.
When a step switch closure is detected,
gate G25 which ensures FF8 is cleared.
OAlG-N goes low when the second INFI-
If no other function is generating SELD-N,
BUS access is requested (reading data
gate G29 is enabled and the 1 output of
FF6 activates G29. The output of G29
from selected CPU register). OAlG-N sets
FF3 and DSCB-N, FMRA-N, and FMRS-P
sets FF11 which activates gate G20. The
are generated as explained. The 0 output
output of G20 presets flip-flop FF7, if it
of FF12 is also inverted by inverter I13.
is not already preset by a previous direct
The output of I13 enables gate G32 and
data transfer, and is coupled through
delay DL2 causes G32 to be activated 50
driver DR3 causing SRLD-N (waveform D,
nsec after it is enabled. The output of
figure 109) to go low. Presetting FF7 dis-
G32, STRF-N is coupled through driver
ables gate G14 and enables gates G17,
DR2 causing STRB-N (waveform H, figure
G 2 3 , a n d G 2 6 . In response to SRLD-N
109) to go low. Before STRB-N is gener-
the Bus Controller causes SELD-N (wave-
form E, figure 109) to go low and gener-
ated PCDA-P returns to low which disables
G33. This high output of G33 activates
ates the precedance pulse PCDA-P. When
G34 which clears FF11. Clearing FF11
SELD-N goes low, G29 is disabled, FF12
remains set, gate G30 is activated, and
disables G20 which causes SRLD-N to go
gate G33 is enabled. The low output of
high. The output of DR2, STRB-N, is also
G30 disables gate G28. When the prece-
coupled through inverter I4 which activates
gate G37. The output of G37 clears FF13
d a n c e p u l s e , PCDA-P (waveform F, figure
enabling G27, G29, and G38, disabling
109), is received, G33 is activated. The
G34 and G37, and causing SACK-N to go
output of G33 sets FF13 and disables gate
G 3 4 . The 0 output of FF13 disables gates
G20, G22, G27, G.29, and G38 and. is
coupled through driver DR5 causing SACK-N
5-720. When the direct data transfer is
(waveform G, figure 109) to go low. The
completed the addressed function receiving
1 output of FF13 enabies G34 and activates
the data generates DONE-N. DONE-N is
gate G37 which sets FF12. The 1 output
inverted by inverter I6 causing DONF-P to
of FF12 is routed to gates G26, G27, G36,
go high which activates G27. The output
a n d G 3 8 . The 0 output of FF12, FOLR-N,
of G27, DONP-N, clears FF6 and is in-
disables G19, G21, and G29. The 0 out-
verted by inverter I12. The output of I12
put of FF12 is also coupled through inver-
activates gate G23 which presets FF9.
ter I3 causing AOUT-P to go high and it
FF9 remains set until the next OFDN-N
also activates gate G3 causing DOUT-P
pulse is received. DONP-N also acti-
to go high. AOUT-P strobes the address
v a t e s g a t e G 1 3 . The output of G13 is
to the INFIBUS address lines and DOUT-P
inverted by inverter I10 which clears FF3
strobes the data to the INFIBUS data lines.
a n d d i s a b l e s G 1 2 . The output of G13 also
AOUT-P also activates gate G1 because
a c t i v a t e s G 1 7 . The output of G17 acti-
FMRS-P is low except for address read,
vates G18 which resets FF5 causing FNDS-P
resister read, or step switch closures.
to go low which disables G19. Clearing
When an address read switch closure is
FF6 activates G24 and enables gate G31.
detected, FRDS-P and SBCP-P go high
The output of G24 ensures FF11 is cleared.
which activates gate G11. The output of
When DONE-N returns to high-, DONF-P
G11 sets FF3. The output of G13 activates
goes low and the output of G27 goes high
gate G12 causing DSCB-N to go low and is
activating G31 which clears FF12. The 0
output of FF12 is coupled through I13
inverted by inverter I9 causing FMRA-N
which disables G32 causing STRB-N to go
to go low. The output of FF3, FMRS-P,
high. Clearing FF12 also disables G26,
also disables G1 preventing RITE-N from
G27, G36 and G38.
going low during an address read operation.
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