![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
5-721. If DONE-N is not generated within
ables G28. When the precedence pulse,
2 usec after STRB-N is generated, the Bus
PCDA-P, is received G33 is activated
Controller generates QUIT-N. QUIT-N is
which sets FF13 and disables G34. The 0
inverted by inverters I16 and I17. The
output of FF13 disables G20, G22, G27,
output of I17 disables G37. The output of
G29, and G38 and is coupled through DR5
I16 activates G26 (FF11 still set). The
causing SACK-N to go low. The 1 output
output of G26 presets FF10 causing FATR-N
of FF13 enables G34 and activates G37
to go low. The output of I16 also activates
w h i c h ' s e t s F F 1 2 . The 1 output of FF11 is
G38 which sets FF14. The output of FF14
routed to G26, G27, G36, and G38. The
clears FF12 which disables G26. FF10
0 output of FF12, FOLR-N, disables G19,
remains set until the next OFDN-N pulse
G 2 1 , a n d G 2 9 . The 0 output of FF12, is
is received.
also coupled through I3 causing AOUT-P
to go high and it also activates G3 causing
5 - 7 2 2 , When the attn switch on the Pro-
DOUT-P to go high. AOUT-P now causes
gram Maintenance Panel miscellaneous
the Program Maintenance Panel address to
control circuit is touched, the Program
be strobed to the INFIBUS address lines and
Maintenance Panel INFIBUS access circuit
DOUT-P causes no data (zero address) to
causes a level 1 interrupt to be generated.
be strobed to the INFIBUS data lines. Be-
1.9 msec after the attn switch is touched
cause G11 is not activated, FF3 is not set
FTTR-N goes low and remains low for 24
and FMRS-P remains high which enables G1
causing RITE-N to go low when AOUT-P
msec after the attn switch is released.
A f t e r t h e r e l e a s e of t h e a t t n s w i t c h ,
goes high. RITE-N is also inverted by in-
OFDN-N goes low which clears FF9, FF10,
verter I1 which enables gate G6. The 0
and/or FF14, as necessary. For the fol-
output of FF12 also generates STRB-N, as
explained previously. Before STRB-N is
lowing discussion assume all flip-flops are
initially reset either by the completion of
generated PCDA-P returns to low which
a direct data transfer, the generation of a
d i s a b l e s G 3 3 . This high output of G33 acti-
previous level 1 interrupt, or receipt of a
vates G34 which clears FF11. Clearing
master reset pulse, MRES-N. FF4 sets on
FF11 disables G22 which causes SELl-N
t o g o h i g h . The output of DR2, STRB-N,
the trailing edge of FTTR-N. The output of
is also coupled through I4 activating G37.
FF4 is inverted by inverter I11, causing
The output of G36 clears FF13 which en-
FNlL-N to go low which causes the attn
ables G27, G29, and G38 and disables G34
LED (CR66) to light. The output of FF4
and G37, When STRB-N goes low, the ad-
also disables G15 causing RFl5-N to go
dress recognition signal SARP-P from the
high. RFlS-N being high disables G25 and
Program Maintenance Panel state genera-
FNlS-P activates gate G21 which sets FF8.
The 0 output of FF8 disables G19, G24,
tion and micro operations circuit goes high
and G31. The 1 output of FF8, FlSS-P,
which activates G6. When the attn switch
is touched OLTS-P goes high which disables
enables G22 and activates G29 if no other
gate G7. Theoutput of G6 activates gate
function is generating SELl-N. If another
G4 which triggers single shot SSl. The
function is generating SELl-N when SELl-N
output of SSl returns to high 100 nsec after
goes high, G29 is activated. The output of
it is triggered which presets flip-flop FF2.
G29 now sets FF11 and disables G30 and
Gate G8 is disabled by G7. The output of
G 3 3 . The output of FF11 enables G30 and
G33 and activates G22. The output of G22
FF2 activates gate G5. The output of G5
is coupled through DRl which generates
resets FF7, if it was preset, and is coupled
D O N E - N . The output of FF2 is also in-
through driver DR4 which generates SRLl-N.
verted by inverter I5. The output of I5 is
Resetting FF7 enables G14 and disables
delayed 50 nsec by delay DL2. After this
G17, G23, and G26. In response to SRLl-N
50 nsec delay, G5 is disabled which causes
the Bus Controller causes SELl-N to go low
DONE-N to go high. DONE-N is also in-
and generates the precedence pulse PCDA-P.
verted by I6 causing DONF-P to go high
When SELl-N goes low, G29 is disabled,
which activates G27 clearing FF8. DONP-N
FF11 remains set, G30 is activated and
a l s o a c t i v a t e s G 1 3 . The output of G13 is
G 3 3 i s e n a b l e d . The output of G30 dis-
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