T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
FF11 disables G29 and resetting FF12 dis-
functions are not requesting a direct
ables Gl which disables G4, G6, G8, G10,
memory access, shift register U4 continues
and G12.
to serially shift data, as explained previously
5-645. When the CCL function is re-
questing a level 2 interrupt INFIBUS access,
operation is similar to when the RSJ is
requesting a level 2 interrupt INFIBUS ac-
cess except CCL INT REQ is high. This
5 - 6 4 9 . General. The Program Maintenance
causes the same operations as when RSJ
Panel address/data switch identification,
INT REQ was high, except G9 is enabled
multiplexers, and LED circuit provides
by the output of register U15 and activated
identification of any address or data switch
when OD-N is low. Activating G9 causes
closure. It generates 16 shift pulses for
shift register U4 to stop serially shifting
serially loading either the address or data
data when OD-N is low. When FF2 is set
G10 is activated which causes CCL INT
shift registers with the latest address or
ACK to go high. Also, the output of G9,
data information as determined by the ad-
dress or data switch closures. It contains
R4-N, activates G16 which causes a re-
circuits to display either the address and
quest for a level 2 interrupt INFIBUS ac-
data information as determined by the ad-
cess to be generated, as explained pre-
dress or data switch closures or the ad-
dress and data information from the data
multiplexer and bus driver receiver circuit.
5-646. When the RMR function is re-
The Program Maintenance Panel address/
questing a level 2 interrupt INFIBUS ac-
data switch identification, multiplexers,
cess, operation is similar to when the RSJ
is requesting a level 2 interrupt INFIBUS
and LED circuits also provides circuits
For serially incrementing the address shift
access except RMR INT REQ is high. This
register by one or two. Underscored
causes the same operations as when RSJ
names indicate front panel placarded
INT REQ was high, except G11 is enabled
by the output of register U15 and activated
when OE-N is low. Activating G11 causes
5-650. Detail Analysis (see figure 99).
the shift register U4 to stop serially
When OADS-P and ODAS-P are low and
shifting data when OE-N is low. When
ENBL-N is low, both gates G3 and G4 are
FF2 is set, G12 is activated which causes
able to sink current through inductors
RMR INT ACK to go high. Also, the output
Ll and L2, respectively, if an address or
of G11, R5-N activates G16 which causes
data switch is closed. When the address
a request for a level 2 interrupt INFIBUS
15 switch (S21) is touched, current begins
access to be generated, as explained
to flow from the output of G3, through L2,
S21, and resistor R8. ENAD-N rises in-
stantly to 5 volts and then decays to 0
5-647. If in the RSJ or CCL direct memory
access operation or the RSJ, CCL, or RMR
volts in less than one msec. This positive
level 2 interrupt INFIBUS access operation
differentiated voltage spike is coupled
the I/O Controller INFIBUS access logic
through driver DR2, differentiator L3 and
circuit does not receive DONE-P within
R16, to trigger single shot SSl on its
2 USeC after STRB-N is generated, the Bus
leading edge. The double differentiation
Controller generates QUIT-N. QUIT-N is
is necessary to prevent oscillations be-
inverted by inverter I23 which activates
tween SSl and single shot SS2 after SSl
G28. Activating G28 generates i/O QUIT
or SS2 is triggered. When SS1 is triggered,
for the duration of QUIT-N. The output of
OADS-P is generated for 3.55 msec.
I23, QUIT-P, activates G33 (STRB ENBL-N
OADS-P causes the output of gate G2 to go
low) which resets FF9, FF11, and FF12.
low, forcing SS2 to remain cleared.
Resetting FF9 removes STRB-N. Resetting
OADS-P also causes the output of gate G4
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