T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
ables the S input of shift register U4. Dis-
125 nsec after it was triggered which
abling the S input of shift register U4 pre-
triggers and sets FF11. The output of
vents the shift register U4 from serial
FF11 activates G29 (STRB-N high) which
shifting the data which causes OC-N to
triggers SS1 and sets FF12. The 0 output
remain low for as long as G7 is activated.
of FF12, RDY NXT CYCLE-N, activates Gl
The high output of G13 disables G2 which
which activates G8. G8 generates RSJ
allows FF2 to be set when triggered, The
INT ACK which notifies the RSJ function
high output of G13 is also inverted by I3
that the level 2 interrupt request has
causing SERV REQ-N to go low. SERV
been acknowledged. The 1 output of
REQ-N is inverted by I22 which enables
FF12, RDY NXT CYCLE-P, enables FFl to
FF8 to be set, is inverted by I21 which
be set. 125 nsec after SS1 is triggered,
enables FF4, FF5, and FF7 to be set, and
the output of SS1 sets FF9. The 0 output
activates G31. The output of G31,
of FF9 is coupled through bus driver/
BUSEN-P, enables bus driver/receivers
receivers U38 which generates STRB-N
U38 and bus drivers U51. The output of
and STRB-P. STRB-P is inverted by I25
G16, INT REQ (waveform K, figure 98), is
which disables G29. STRB-P is high
inverted by I16. The output of I16 is in-
which enables gate G27. The 1 output of
FF9, STRB INT-P, activates G27 which
verted by I18 which enables FF6 to be set.
If no other function is requesting a level
resets FF4, FF5, and FF7. Resetting FF7
2 interrupt INFIBUS request, SEL2-N is
causes SACK-N to return to a high level
high which is inverted by inverter I19.
and resetting FF4 and FF5 enables G21 to
The output of I19 disables gate G23 and
couple PCDA-P to the INFIBUS as PCDB-P.
When the level 2 interrupt is complete,
is inverted by inverter I20. The output
the CPU generates DONE-N which causes
of I20 enables gate G22. The output of
the I/O Controller address recognition,
I16 is also delayed 50 nsec by DL2 and
done, and reset circuit to generate DONE-P.
then inverted by inverter I17. The output
DONE-P is inverted by inverter I1. The
of I17 activates G22 which sets FF6. The
trailing edge of the output I1 (trailing
1 output of FF6 enables G23 and the 0 out-
put of FF6 is coupled through bus drivers
edge of DONE-P) sets FFl which activates
U51 which generates SRL2-N. In response
G 2 . The output of G2 resets FF2 which dis-
to SRL2-N the Bus Controller causes SEL2-N
a b l e s Gl. Disabling Gl causes RSJ INT
to go low which is inverted by I19 and I20.
ACK to go low which causes RSJ INT REQ to
The output of I20 disables G22 and the out-
go low. The positive going edge of Q2-N
put of I19 activates G23 which sets FF5 and
after RSJ INT REQ returns to low causes the
enables gates G24 and G26. The 0 output
Q3 output of register U15 to return to a low
of FF5 disables G21 preventing the pre-
level which disables G7. The output of G7,
cedance pulse, PCDA-P, (when received)
R3-N, now goes high disabling G13 which
enables shift register U4 to serially shift
from being coupled through G21. When
data, on the second negative going edge of
PCDA-P is received, G26 is activated which
sets FF7 and FF8 and activates G24. The
Q2-`P (due to internal delays of register
output of G24 resets FF6 which disables
U15, G2, G13, and G14), as explained
G23. The output of G23 disables G24 after
previously. R3-N also disables G16 which
FF6 has reset. The 0 output of FF7 is
causes INT REQ-P to go low which holds
coupled through bus drivers U51 to the
FF6 reset. The low output of G13 is a also
inverted by I3 which causes SERV REQ-N to
FIBUS as SACK-N. The 0 output of FF8
disables G18 and gate G22. The 1 output
When SERV REQ-N goes high FF4
go high.
of FF8, SELECT-P, enables gate G28,
FF5, FF7, FF8, and FF10 are reset. Re-
setting FF2 causes STRB ENBL-N to go high
sets FF2, and triggers single shot SS2.
which activates G33. The output of G33
Setting FF2 enables G1 and generates
resets FF9, TF11, and FF12. If the CCL and:
which allows flip-flops FF9, FF11, and
RMR functions arc not requesting a level 2
FF12 to be set when triggered. SS2 resets
interrupt INFIBUS access, and if the RSJ and
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