T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 9967-464-0010
5-620. When the I/O Controller is being
activates G21 causing DONE-N to be gen-
written into, under control of the stored
erated and register U58 and FFl to be reset
software program, to select the CCL func-
a s explained previously.
tion, G17 is activated (ABOO-N through
AB03-N equals decimal 2). When register
5 - 6 2 3 . If RITE-P is high and decimal 12
U58 is triggered by SSl, the Q3 output of
is on the INFIBUS address lines ABOO-N
register U58 goes high which activates
through AB03-N, G19 is activated and the
G 1 1 . The output of G11 activates G12
output of register U58, RMR PDT SEL-P,
which generates CCL RESET-N and CCL
g o e s h i g h . RITE-P enables gate G26 and
RESET, as explained previously. The Q3
HMR PDT SEL-P activates G26 which trig-
output of register U58 is also inverted by
gers single shot SS3. 175 nsec after SS3
inverter I12 which generates CCL STAT
is triggered, FF2 sets which activates
SEL-N and the output of I6 is inverted by
gate G27 and enables gate G24. The out-
inverter I7 which generates CCL STAT SEL.
put of G27, RMR DT REQ, notifies the
Under these conditions the CCL function is
RMR function that an RMR data request is
s e l e c t e d a n d r e s e t . CCL STAT SEL-N acti-
b e i n g m a d e . In response to RMR DT REQ
going low, the RMR function causes RMR
vates G20 which causes DONE-N to be
DT RES to go low. R M R D T R E S i s i n v e r t e d
generated and register U58 and FFl to be
by inverter I20 which activates G24. The
reset, as explained previously.
output of G24 activates G21 which causes
DONE-N to be generated as explained pre-
5 - 6 2 1 . When the I/O Controller is being
written into, under control of the stored
software program, to select the RMR func-
5 - 6 2 4 . If READ-P is high and decimal 12
t i o n , G16 is activated (ABOO-N through
is on the INFIBUS address lines ABOO-N
AB03-N equals decimal 4). When register
through ABO3-N, RMR PDT SEL-P is gener-
U58 is triggered by SSl, the Q4 output of
ated as explained previously. READ-P en-
register U58 goes high which activates G14.
a b l e s gate G26 and RMR PDT SEL-P activates
The output of G14 activates G15 which
generates RMR RESET-N and RMR RESET, as
gate G26. The output of G26 enables gate
explained previously. The Q3 output of
G25 a n d a c t i v a t e s G 2 7 . The output of G27,
RMR DT REQ, causes the RMR function to
register U58 is also inverted by inverter
g e n e r a t e R M R D T R E S . R M R D T R E S I S in-
I14 which generates RMR STAT SEL-N and
verted by I20 which activates G25. The
the output of I14 is inverted by inverter I15
output of G25 causes DONE-N to be qener-
which generates RMR STAT SEL. Under
ated 600 nsec after G25 is activaated, as
these conditions the RMR function is selected
explained previously.
a n d r e s e t . RMR STAT SEL-N also activates
G20 which causes DONE-N to be generated
and register U58 and FF1 to be reset, as
explained previously.
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