![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-I
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
and U67 select the address register data
must be high which activates Gate G2. The
(AOOA-N, A0lA-N, AO6A-N and A07A-N) and
combined outputs of the address recogni-
data multiplexers U56, U68 and U79 select
tion gates U19, U28, and U39, DRl, and
G2 will be high which places a high at the
the address register data (A02A-N through
set input of flip-flop FFl.
AO5A-N and A08A-N through A15A-N).
MOOX-N through M15X-N are generated as
determined by the levels of AOOA-N through
5-555. Inverters I2, I3, and I5, and gates
A15A-N and routed to data bus driver/
G3 through G6 decode AOlA-P, A02A-P, and
receivers U60, U69, U70, and U80. ASTA-P
A03A-P to select the control, status, or
strobes data bus driver receivers U60, U70
data registers in the Mag Tape Controller
and U80. ASTB-P strobes data bus driver
data output and control register circuits.
receiver U69 which generates DBOO-N
To select the control register, AOlA-P and
through DB15-N.
A02A-P are high and A03A-P is low. Gate
G4 is enabled by AOlA-P and A02A-P and
the high output of I5. G4 is activated and
generates ACNT-N when FFl is set. To
select the status register, AOlA-P, A02A-P
and A03A-P are all low and the high outputs
of I2, I3, and I7 enable G5. When FFl
5 - 5 5 2 . General. The Mag Tape Controller
sets, G5 is activated which generates
address receivers and recognition circuits
AWST-N. To select the data register,
recognizes the Mag Tape Controller address
AOlA-P and A02A-P are low and A03A-P is
when being slaved by a master function. It
high. G6 is enabled by the outputs of I2
selects the internal registers of the Mag
and I3, and A02A-P. When FFl is set, G6
Tape Controller and performs a read or write
will be activated which generates ADAT-P.
operation as determined by the master func-
Gate G7 will be disabled if the correct
tion slaving the Mag Tape Controller.
combination of AOlA-P, A02A-P and A03A-P
5-553. Detail Analysis (see figure 79).
are received to select one of the Mag Tape
Controller internal registers.
The device number connector J3 connections
determine the Mag Tape Controller address
(device number). DN04-N through DN11 -N,
5 - 5 5 6 . When data is to be loaded into the
Mag Tape Controller data register, the
device number bits, are routed to the Mag
master function generates the address
Tape Controller data input and selector cir-
(waveform A, figure 42), data, strobe and
cuit to be placed on the INFIBUS data lines
RITE-N (waveform B, figure 42) on the
when the Mag Tape Controller is requesting
INFIBUS. The address will be recognized
a level 3 INFIBUS access. The device num-
which enables FFl to be set as explained
ber inverters (19 shown) generate DA04-P
previously. G3 generates AABL-P (wave-
through DA11-P. ABOl-N through AB15-N
form C, figure 42) and enables the set input
from the INFIBUS address lines are inverted
of flip-flop FF2. RITE-N is inverted by
by address bus receivers U10, U20, U29,
and U40 (11 shown) which generate AOlA-P
inverter I11 which enables G7 and G10.
The output of I11 is also inverted by inver-
through A15A-P .
ter I12 which disables gate G11 and
ARED-P goes low. If the Formatter is
5-554. A04A-P through A11A-P are applied
ready to accept data, WBAR-N IS low
to the address recognition gates U19, U28,
which disables gate G7. The high output
and U39 (Gl shown) where they are com-
of G7 enables gate G8. The Mag Tape
pared with the jumper encoded device num-
Controller INFIBUS access circuit gener-
ber (DA04-P through DA11-P). If there is
ates STRA-P (waveform D, figure 42) which
a match at the inputs, the corresponding
IS coupled through driver DR2. The output
outputs of the address recognition gates
DR2 is coupled through driver DR3 then
U19, U28, and U39 will be high. Also,
delayed 50 nsec by delay DL4. The output
for address recognition, A12A-P must be
of DL4 activates gate G8 which triggers
high which is coupled through driver DRl.
and sets FF1. If the Formmatter is not ready
In addition A13A-P, A13A-P and A15A-P
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