![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
and CLBR-N), or control register (BTA con-
5 - 5 4 5 . When the data on the INFIBUS data
trol circuit ABAR-N and AMDR-N).
lines is the block length (number of words
to be transferred to or from the Core Mem-
5 - 5 4 7 . When the status register is to be
or-y), ALDB-N goes low parallel loading
read out of the BTA onto the INFIBUS data
block length registers/counters U54, U62,
lines, A02A-P and AOlA-P will be low
U63, and U76 with the number determined
which couples CBLR-N to M07X-N, ABTR-N
by DOOA-P through Dl5A-P. Block register/
to MOGX-N and 5 volts to MOlX-N. Also,
counters U54, U62, U63, and U77 operation
MOOX-N, MOlX-N, MOGX-N, and M07X-N
is similar to the address register/counters
are routed to bus driver receiver U69. After
U53, U64, U65, and U76, except they
address recognition by the BTA control cir-
count down and the MIN output enables the
cuit, ASTB-P is generated and strobes data
next block length register counter. The
bus driver receiver U69 which generates
outputs of block length register/counters
DBOO-N, DBOl-N, DBO6-N, and DB07-N.
U54, U62, U63, and U77 are inverted by
At the same time data multiplexers U56,
inverters I18 through I34 generating LOOA-N
through Ll5A-N which are applied to data
U68 and U79 select the address register
data (A02B-N through AO5B-N and A08B-N
multiplexers U56, U66, U67, U68 and U79
through A15B-N) and M02X-N through
for selection. U62 is always enabled and
M05X-N and M08X-N through Ml5X-N are
CDEC-N clocks all four counters simul-
routed to data bus driver receivers U6O, U70
taneously. On the first 16 CDEC-N inputs
and U80, but will not be strobed onto the INPI-
block length register/counter U62 will
BUS data lines because ASTA-P is not gener-
decrement from 15 to 0 (binary) and on the
0 count, the MIN (minimum) output of U62
will go high. I26 inverts this output which
5 - 5 4 8 . To read out the control register con-
enables U63 to decrement once on the next
tents of the BTA, operation is similar to
CDEC-N input. The cycle will be repeated
until block length register/counters U62 and
when the status register is read, except
U63 are decremented to 0 and both of their
A0lA-P and A02A-P are high which couples
ABAR-N to M07X-N, 5 volts to M06X-N,
MIN outputs will be high. G4 is now acti-
vated which enables block length register/
AMDR-N to MOlX-N, and 5 volts to MOOX-N
counter U54 to decrement on the next
bit posit ion. They are routed to data bus
CDEC-N input. The cycle will be repeated
driver receiver U69 and strobed to the INFI-
until block length register/counters U54,
BUS data lines by ASTB-P. At the same
U62, and U63 are at 0 and the MIN outputs
time, data multiplexers U56, U68 and U79
are high activating G3. G3 enables block
select the block length register data
length register/counter U77 to decrement
(L02A-N through LO5A-N and L08A-N through
once on the next CDEC-N input. Again, the
L15A-N), but this data is not strobed out
entire cycle will be repeated until all four
because ASTA-P is not generated.
block length register/counters are at 0 and
the MIN outputs are high activating G5.
5 - 5 4 9 . To read out the block length regis-
The output of LAZE-N, is routed to the BTA
ter data (LOOA-N through L15A-N), AOlA-P
control circuit indicating the block length
is low and A02A-P is high and LOOA-N
register has decremented to zero. I35 in-
through L15A-N are coupled through data
verts LAZE-N generating LAZD-P which is
multiplexers U58, U66, U67, U68, and
routed to the BTA control circuit. These
U79 which generate MOOX-N through M15X-P.
outputs notify the BTA control circuit that
ASTB-P strobes bus driver/receiver U69 and
the entire block of data transfers has been
ASTA-P strobes bus driver/receivers U60,
U70, and U80 which generate DBOO-N through
D B l 5 - N . LOOA-P through L15A-P determine
5-546. Data multiplexers U56, U66, U67,
the levels of DBOO-N through DB15-N.
U68, and U79 select data from the block
length register (LOOA-N through Ll5A-N),
5 - 5 5 0 . To read out the address register data
address register (A00B-N through Al5B-N),
(AOOB-N through A15B-N), A02A-P is low
status register BTA control circuit ABTR-N
and A0lA-P is high. Data multiplexers U66
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