![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
previously. The 1 output of FF12 acti-
5-543. Address data, AOOB-N through
vates G29 which activates G30 and
Al5B-P, stored in the address register/
BTB4-B is generated, as explained
counters U53, U64, U65, and U76 are in-
verted by inverters I2 through I17 and is ap-
plied to address bus driver receivers U10,
Ul9, U20, and U30. BOLA-P from the BTA
control circuits strobes address bus driver
receivers UlO, U19, U20, and U30 when
information is to be transferred to the
5-541. General. The Block Transfer
INFIBUS, generating ABOl-N through ABl5-N
Adapter (BTA) address, data, and block
as determined by the data (or count) in
length circuit consists of the address bus
address register/counters U53, U64, U65,
driver receivers, address register, block
and U76.
length register, data bus driver receivers,
and data multiplexer. Address data is re-
5-544. When the starting address is on the
ceived or transmitted by the address bus
INFIBUS data lines DBOO-N through DBl5-N
driver receivers and the address register
are coupled through the data bus driver re-
holds the Core Memory address to or from
ceivers generating DOOA-P through Dl5A-P.
which data is to be transferred or device
AMAR-N goes low, parallel loading address
address (device number). The number of
register counters U53, U64, U65 and U76
data transfers to be performed is stored in
with the number determined by DOOA-P
the block length register and the data to
through Dl5A-P. For each transfer of data
be transferred to or from the INFIBUS data
to or from the Core Memory, CCKA-N is
lines is first selected by the data multi-
generated by the BTA control circuits and
plexer then strobed to the INFIBUS via the
is applied to the clock inputs of the four
data bus driver receivers. This circuit also
address registers/counters. Address regis-
generates increasing addresses. Each
ter/counter U65 is clocked and counts 0 to
transfer of data to or from Core Memory in-
15, generating its carry output on the
creases the address and decreases the block
fifteenth count. The carry output of address
length by one. When the maximum address
register/counter U65 clocks U64 to count
or zero block length is reached, the trans-
1 on the sixteenth CCKA-N input and ad-
fers stop.
dress register/counter U65 resets to zero.
This cycle repeats itself until address
5-542. Detail Analysis (see figure 78).
The address bus driver receivers U10, U19,
register/counters U64 and U65 are both
U20, and U30 transmit and receive the 16-
fully loaded (count equals 256, the carry
bit address. (AB00-N through ABl5-N).
outputs of address register/counters U64
Address bits ABOl-N through ABl5-N are in-
and U65 enable address register counter
U53 to count 1. This cycle repeats itself
verted by address bus driver receivers Ul0,
until address register/counters U53, U64,
U19, U20, and U30 (inverter I1) generating
and U65 are fully loaded (count equals 4096).
AOlA-P through Al5A-P. The O-bit position
is not an input to the BTA. AOlA-P through
The carry outputs of address register coun-
ters U53, U64, and U65 will be generated
Al5A-P are routed to the BTA control cir-
enabling U76 to count 1. The cycle repeats
cuits for address (device number) recogni-
itself until all four address register/counters
tion. AOlA-P and A02A-P are also applied
are fully loaded (count equals 65, 536)
to the select inputs of the data multiplexers
With address register/counter U76 fully
U58, U66 and U67, U68, and U79. In a
read cycle of the BTA contents, the address
loaded (all outputs high), 62 is activated
generating AFXA-N which is routed to the
recognition logic receives the address for
BTA control circuits. AFXA-N prevents the
recognition and at the same time the data
BTA control circuits from generating any
multiplexers will select the data to be
more CCKA-N clock pulses. There is one
placed on INFIBUS data lines as determined
CCKA-N input for each byte transfer.
by the levels of AOlA-P and A02A-P.
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