![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
high which enables G11 and RDTS-P is low
The output of G17, TRSE-P, is inverted by
which disables G9. When G6 is activated,
I2 which generates TRSA-N. TRSE-P and
as explained previously, G11 is activated
TRSA-N are routed to the data selector/
which enables the set input of FF5. On the
control circuit to enable the Serial I/O
next high-to-low transition of CLCK-P, FF5
data register to be serially loaded with
is set which generates RFER-N. RFER-N
data from the external device.
activates G12 which generates EROR-N.
EROR-N is routed to the INFIBUS access
5-516. With the set and clear inputs of
circuit, causing it to generate a format
FF2 both low, FF2 remains set with further
error interrupt request.
high to low transitions of CLCK-P. Every
seventh count of CLCK-P by the 4-bit binary
5 - 5 2 0 . If the data word is not read out of
counter causes the 6 and 7 decoder U21 and
the Serial I/O data register, the address
U51 to generate TRO7-P. TR07-P is routed
recognition circuit does not generate
to the data selector/control circuit and one
RCBA-N and FF3 remains set which enables
data bit from the external device is loaded
G10. When the next word is being received
into the data register.
from the external device, G2 is activated,
as explained previously, which activates
5 - 5 1 7 . When the entire word is loaded,
G10. The previous data word is destroyed
the start bit of the word causes the data
and G10 triggers and sets FF4 which gener-
selector/control circuit to generate DSTS-P
ates RQRR-N. RORR-N is routed to the
which enables G6. Also at the same time,
data selector/control circuit. RORR-N also
the stop bits of the word cause the data
activates G12 which generates EROR-N.
selector/control circuit to generate RDTR-N
EROR-N is routed to the INFIBUS access
and RDTS-P. RDTR-N disables Gl, G5,
circuit causing it to generate an overrun
and RDTS-P enables G9.
interrupt request.
5-518. On the next sixth count by the
binary counter U42, the 6 output of the 6
and 7 decoder U21 and U51 activates G6
which enables the clear input of FF2 and
5 - 5 2 2 . General. The Block Transfer
activates G9. The output of G9 enables the
Adapter (BTA) control circuit recognizes the
set input of FF3 and on the next high-to-
address and selects the BTA internal regis-
low transition of CLCK-P, FF2 is cleared
ters for reading or writing. It performs
and FF3 is set. The 0 output of FF2 enables
direct data transfers (DDT) transferring
G7 and the 1 output of FF3 enables G10 and
blocks of data to or from the Core Memory
activates G8. G8 generates BTRQ-N which
or other Processor functions and slaves the
is routed to the INFIBUS access circuit
Mag Tape Controller to transfer data to or
causing an interrupt request to be
from the Formatter. The BTA and the Mag
generated to have the data word read out of
Tape Controller are initialized (registers
the Serial I/O. On the next count (seventh)
by the binary decoder U42, the 6 and 7 de-
loaded) simultaneously under CPU control
coder U21 and U51 generates TR07-P which
and afterwards the BTA becomes the master.
activates G7. The output of G7 enables
When initialized for a write operation, the
the clear input of FFl. On the next high-
Formatter indicates ready status to the Mag
to-low transition of CLCK-P, FFl is cleared
Tape Controller and the Mag Tape Control-
and G4 and G5 are disabled. The high out-
ler indicates to the BTA to start transfers.
put of G4 prevents the binary counter U42
When completed, the BTA notifies the Mag
from counting. When the Serial I/O is
Tape Controller to initiate a level 3 inter-
slaved to read out the data word, the ad-
rupt to indicate a completion of a block
dress recognition circuit generates RCBA-N.
transfer to the CPU. When initialized for
RCBA-N activates G13 which resets FF3.
a read operation a similar sequence occurs.
5 - 5 1 9 . If the stop bits of the word from the
5 - 5 2 3 . Detail Analysis (see figure 71).
external device are not present, RDTR-N is
When master reset, MRES-N, is generated
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