![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
7 decoder generates TR07-P. TR07-P en-
FF6 activates G8 which, again, generate:,
ables gates G7, G14 and G16 and is also
BTRQ-N to the INFIBUS access circuit for
routed to the data selector/control circuit.
the generation of an interrupt request for
the next data word. Also, the data selector
5-507. When the interrupt is serviced and
control circuit removes DAGN-P which dis-
the serial I/O is slaved and provided with
ables G14.
data, the address recognition circuit gener-
ates AOCK-N which is coupled through
5 - 5 1 1 . The cycle of transferring the next
driver DRl. DRl generates TCBE-N which
word to the external device is repeated as
resets FF6 and is routed to the data selector/
discussed. When all data words required
control circuit which generates the stop
are transferred to the external device, the
control register circuit removes TOAK-P
which disables G8, preventing interrupt
5-508. The 1 output of FF6 (low) disables
requests from being generated.
G8 and the 0 output of FF6 enables G16.
When TR07-P is generated by the 6 and 7
5 - 5 1 2 . Prior to loading the control register
decoder U21 and U51, TR07-P activates
of the Serial I/O for a read operation, the
G16 which enables the set input of FF7.
particular Serial I/O is cleared as explained
On the next high-to-low transition of
previously. This causes the data selector/
CLCK-P, FF7 is triggered and set. The 1
control circuit to generate DSTS-P which
output of FF7 enables its own clear input
enables G6.
and the set input of FF8. The 0 output of
FF7 activates gates G3 and G15. G3 gener-
5-513. With a read operation control word
ates TRST-N which is routed to the data
stored in the control register circuit, the
selector/control circuit. G15 generates
control register circuit generates TNOT-N
TSFT-P which is routed to the address re-
and RINS-P. TNOT-N presets FF6 and
cognition circuit.
resets FF7 and FF8. RINS-P enables gates
G8, G9, G11 and activates Gl. The 1
5-509. On the next high-to-low transition
output of FF6 enables G8 and the output of
of CLCK-P, FF7 is cleared and FF8 is set.
Gl enables the set input of FFl.
The 0 output of FF7 disables G3 and Gl5.
FF8 generates TSER-N which holds G15
5 - 5 1 4 . On the high-to-low transitron of
activated, disables G16, and activates
CLCK-P, FFl is triggered and set. The 1
G17. G17 generates TRSE-P which is in-
output of the FFl enables G5 and the 0 out-
verted by inverter I2 generating TRSA-N.
put of FFl activates G4. The output of G4
TSER-N and TSFT-P are routed to the
enables the binary counter U42 to count the
address recognition circuit to prevent data
high-to-low level transitions of CLCK-P.
from being loaded into the Serial I/O data
On the sixth count (0110) the binary counter
register. TRSA-N and TRSE-P are routed
U42 causes the 6 output of the 6 and 7
to the data selector/control circuit to en-
decoder U21 and U51 to go high which acti-
able data to be serially transmitted to the
vates G5 and G5. The output of G5 and
external device.
CLCK-P activates gate G2. The output of
G2 enables G10 and is inverted by inverter
5-510. Every TR07-P generated to the data
I1 which generates RCBC-N. RCBC-N acti-
selector/control circuit by the 6 and 7 de-
vates G3 which generates TRST-N. RCBC-N
coder U21 and U51 causes one data bit to
and TRST-N are routed to the data selector/
be transmitted to the external device. When
control circuit to clear the data register and
the complete word is transmitted, the data
start bit flip-f lop. This causes the data
selector/control circuit generates DAGN-P
selector/control circuit to remove DSTS-P
which enables G14. The next TR07-P pulse
which disables G6,.
activates G14 which enables the set input
of FF6 and clear input of FF8. On the next
5 - 5 1 5 . On the next high-to-low transition
high-to-low transition of CLCK-P, FF6 is
of CLCK-P, FF2 is set and the 0 output of
set and FF8 is cleared. The 1 output of
FF2 disables G5 and G7 and activities G17.
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