![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
activates G13 which sets FF6. The output
activated which enables the load inputs of
of I7 is also inverted by inverter I4 which
dividers U72, U73, and U79. On the next
disables G4. The 0 output of FF6 clears
trigger, the three counters are preloaded.
FF3 and FF4, and activates G8 which clears
Divider U79 is loaded with binary coded 11
(1011) where the least significant bit posi-
tions is A and the most significant bit is
5-468. When the address recognition cir-
D. Divider U73 is also loaded with 11 and
cuit generates ADUN-N; ADUN-N is routed
divider U72 is loaded with 14.
through driver DR2 which generates DONE-N
on to the INFIBUS.
5-474. After the dividers U72, U73 and
U79 are preloaded, divider U79 will divide
the output of I1 by five to step divider U73
once (11 to 12). At this time divider U79
is at zero and divider U73 is at a 12 count.
5 - 4 7 0 . General. The clock generator cir-
Divider U79 is now a divide by 16 counter
and divider U73 is effectively a divide by four
cuit is a psuedo random clock generator
used to control the rate of data transfers
counter. In order for divider U73 to step di-
vider U72 once, divider U79 now divides the
(BAUD rate) to and from the external device.
The TTY Controller and the Printer Control-
output of I1 by 16 and divider U73 divides by
four. Divider U72 now steps to a count of 15
ler (ACOC group only) do not use the clock
(1111) which causes the carry output to enable
generator logic. The TTY and Printer Con-
Gl and the QA output of divider U72 to go high.
trollers use an external variable clock that
The QA output of divider U72 is inverted by
is coupled through the clock generator cir-
I3 and the output of I3, CLCK-P, goes low.
c u i t . This external variable clock is used
Therefore, in order to change the state of
to vary the BAUD rate, synchronizing the
CLCK-P from the initial time (preloaded
TTY Controller or Printer Controller to the
BAUD rate of the external device.
counters), the total division is four (U80)
times five (U79) plus the result of four (USO)
times I6 (U79) times four (U73), this equals
5 - 4 7 1 . Detail Analysis (see figure 67).
a division of 276 and causes a CLCK-P pulse
The TTY Controller and Printer Controller
of 11.04 usec duration to be generated.
functions do not use the clock generator
logic. The external variable clock, DSRI-P,
from the TTY Controller or Printer Controller
5 - 4 7 5 . The clock pulse that caused divider
U72 to step to a count of 15, also causes
is coupled through inverters I2 and I3. The
dividers U79 and U73 to return to a count of
output of I3, CLCK-P, is routed to the data
0. With divider U73 at a count of 0, the
selector/control circuit, asynchronous
carry output of divider U73 (low) prevents the
data transfer circuit, and control register
carry output of divider U72 from being gener-
ated. Dividers U79 and U73 count 256 (1024
CLKA-N input pulses) additional input triggers.
5 - 4 7 2 . The following discussion pertains
At this time, dividers U79, U73, and U72 are
to the Modem Controller 1 and 2 functions
each at a count of 15 and the carry output of
which receive CLKA-N from the INFIBUS.
divider U79 enables Gl. The carry output of
CLKA-N is a 25 MHz symmetrical signal
U79 also causes the carry output of divider
and is applied to `divider U80 which divides
U73 to be generated which causes the carry
CLKA-N by four (6.25 MHz).
output of divider U72 to be generated. The
carry output of divider U72 activates Gl. The
5 - 4 7 3 . Initially, dividers U72, U73, and
next trigger input to the dividers U79, U73,
U79 contain a random count. Inverter I1
and U72, with Gl activated, causes the
inverts the output of divider U80 clocking
divider to be preloaded, as explained previ-
dividers U72, U73, and U79. Divider U79
ously, a second time. This sequence of events
is always enabled and its carry output en-
causes a 11.04 usec pulse to be generated at
ables divider U73 to count. When dividers
a 19.2 KHz rate (1200 band x 16).
U79, U73 and U72 are fully loaded, Gl is
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