![]() T.O. 31S5-4-368-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
(high) activates G5 which clears FF2.
The 1 output of FF2 disables G3, G14,
and G15. G16, enabled by the high
5-458. General.
The INFIBUS access cir-
output of G14, couples PCDA-P to the
cuit performs the function of obtaining ac-
cess to the INFIBUS on the assigned inter-
The 1 output of FF3 enables G5
rupt level when data is to be transferred
and activates gate G4 which sets FF4 and
or when an error, while transferring data,
activates gate G10. G10 generates BOLA-P
has occurred.
(waveform F, figure 66) which is routed to
the data selector/control circuit and address
5-459. Detail Analysis (see figure 65).
When the master reset pulse is generated
recognition circuit. The 0 output of FF4
on the INFIBUS or when the status register
disables G2 and the 1 output of FF4 enables
is written, the address recognition circuit
gate G6 and G9 and activates G11. G11
generates ARES-N. ARES-N clears flip-flops
generates BONE-N (waveform G, figure 66)
FF2 through FF5 and activates gate G8 which
which activate G10 and is routed to the
resets flip-flop FFl.
address recognition circuit. BOLA-P also
enables gates G12 and G13 and is inverted
5-460. When a control word, enabling
by inverter I5.
interrupts, is stored in the control register
The output of I5 (low) is delayed 50 nsec
of the control register circuit, BALS-P is
by DLl and then activates G12 which gener-
generated by the control register circuit
ates STRB-N (waveform H, figure 66).
which enables the set input of FFl. BTRQ
or EROR-N (waveform A, figure 66) from the
STRB-N is inverted by inverter I6
asynchronous data transfer circuit activates
which generates STRA-P (waveform I,
gate Gl which triggers and sets FFl.
figure 66). STRA-P IS routed to the address
recognition circuit and coupled through
driver DR3 which generates STRC-P (wave-
5-461. Deleted.
form J, figure 66). STRC-P is routed to the
address recognition circuit. STRA-P also
activates G6 which clears FF3 and the 0
output of FF3 (high) is coupled through DRl
which removes SACK-N. STRA-P is also in-
verted by inverter I1 which disables G4.
Normally, within 2 usec after
STRB-N is generated, DONE-N (waveform
The Bus Controller senses
K, figure 66) is generated by the master
SRL2-N and generates SEL2-N and
function receiving the interrupt. DONE-N
PCDA-P. SEL2-N disables G2 and the
is inverted by inverter I2 which activates
o u t p u t of G 2 (high) enables G3 and
G9 and G11. The output of I2 IS inverted
activates G14 which disables gate
by inverter I3 which disables G4 and G7.
PCDA-P, when received, acti-
The output of G9 sets FF5 and activates G8
v a t e s G3 which disables gate G5 and
w h i c h r e s e t s F F l . The 1 output of FF5 en-
s e t s F F 3 . The 0 output o f F F 3 d i s -
ables G7. When DONE-S goes high, I2
ables G2 and G15 and is coupled
disables G9 and G11, and the output of
t h r o u g h driver DRl which generates
I3 activates G7 which clears FF4. The 1
SACK-N. T h e output of G15 is coupled
output of FF4 (low) clears FF5 and with
through DR4 which removes SRL2-N.
G11 disabled, G10 is disabled which dis-
ables (G12 and STRB-N is removed.
SACK-N is sensed by the B u s Con-
t r o l l e r which causes the bus Controller
to remove SEL2-N. When PCDA-P goes low,
G 3 is disabled and the output of G 3
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