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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
which removes SACK-N, and enables G10,
write data into a register. When the CPU
G19, and G21.
is in the run mode, the CPU central timing
control continuously cycles to execute the
stored microcode program.
5-279. If the transfer of data on the
INFIBUS is not completed within'2 usec
5-284. Detail Analysis (see figure 27).
after STRB-N is generated, the Bus Con-
When the master reset pulse, MRES-N, is
troller generates QUIT-N. QUIT-N is
received from the INFIBUS, the CPU control
inverted by inverter I4 which activates
circuit generates RSTl-N (waveform A,
G19. The output of I4 is also inverted
figure 28) and the CPU microcode register
by inverter 17 which disables G17
circuit generates M32T-P (waveform B, fig-
and G20.  The output of G19 sets FF5
ure 28). RSTl-N presets flip-flop FFl and
which enables G4 and also routes BAES-P
M32T-P enables gate G4. The 1 output of
to the CPU control circuit to indicate an
FFl activates gates G2 and G5, The output
abort condition. The 0 output of FF5 clears
of G2 is coupled through driver DRl and G5
FF4 and the 0 output of FF4 activates G4.
generates CKOO-P (waveform C, figure 28).
The 1 output of FF4 disables G8 and G14.
CKOO-P is routed to the CPU control circuit.
The output of G4 clears the command reg-
The low output of DRl is inverted by inverter
ister U53 which frees the INFIBUS.
15 which generates CKME-P (waveform D,
figure 28). Inverter 18 inverts CKME-P gen-
5-280. Normally, before 2 usec after
erating CMEN-N (waveform E, figure 28)
STRB-N is generated, the addressed Proces-
which resets FF4 and is routed to the CPU
sor function responds by generating DONE-N
address recognition circuit. CMEN-N also
which indicates a completed data transfer.
disables G5 which removes CKOO-P (wave-
The CPU address recognition circuit senses
form C, figure 28). The pulse width of
DONE-N and generates DUNP-P (waveform
CKOO-P is determined by the inherent delays
K, figure 27). DUNP-P activates G4 and G5
of G2, DRl, 15, and 18.
and is inverted by inverter 12. The output of
G4 clears command register U53 which frees
5-285. Delay DL3 delays the low output of
the INFIBUS. The output of 12 disables G14
DR1 15 nsec and the delayed output (15) is
and G20.
then inverted by inverter 12. The output of
12, CKML-P (waveform F, figure 28), is
5-281. If a read command is loaded in com-
routed to the CPU microcode register circuit
mand register U53, G5 is enabled as ex-
and enables gate G6.
plained previously. DUNP-P now activates
G5 and G4. The output of G5 sets flip-flop
5-286. After the 30 nsec delay of DL3, the
FFl which generates RCLK-N (waveform L,
low output of DL3 (30) is inverted by in-
figure 27). RCLK-N is routed to the CPU
verter 16. The output of 16, CKRD-P (wave-
address recognition circuit which causes the
form G, figure 28)) is routed to the CPU
CPU to load the data into receive register.
control circuit and CPU register file circuit.
The output of G4 clears the command regis-
CKRD-P also enables G4 and activates G6.
ter which frees the INFIBUS.
The output of G6, XSET-N (waveform H, fig-
ure 28), is routed to the CPU register file
5-287. After the 45 nsec delay of DL3, the
low output of DL3 (45) is inverted by inverter
5 - 2 8 3 . General. The CPU central timing
13.  The output of 13 activates G4 which
control circuit generates the timing pulses
disables G2 and G5. The high output of G2
required by the various CPU circuits in
is coupled through DRl. The high output of
executing the stored microcode program.
DRl is inverted by 15 which removes CKME-P
When the CPU is in the halt mode, the CPU
(waveform D, figure 28) and is inverted by
address recognition circuit triggers the CPU
I8 which ensures FF4 is reset and generates
central timing control circuit to cycle when
CMEN-N (waveform E, figure 28).
the CPU is addressed to read data from or

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