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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
5-292. After DL3 delays the high output of
5-288. After the 60 nsec delay of DL3, the
DRl 75 nsec, I4 inverts the high output of
low output of DLl (60) is inverted by inverter
DL3 (75) which removes CKDO-P (waveform
I7 which generates C60A-P (waveform I,
J, figure 28). The low output of I4 resets
figure 28). C60A-P activates gate G3 which
FF2 which removes CKFS-P (waveform N,
resets FF1 which disables G2. At the same
figure 28). After the low output of DRl is
time, the high output of DRl which has been
delayed 150 nsec, DL3 generates Z150-N
delayed 15 nsec by DL3 is inverted by I2
(waveform O, figure 28) which is routed to
which removes CKML-P. With CKML-P
the CPU address recognition circuit. After
removed, G6 is disabled which removes
the high output DRl is delayed 150 nsec,
XSET-N (waveform H, figure 28). The high-
DL3 removes Z150-P (waveform 0, figure 28).
to-low transition output of 12 also triggers
and sets flip-flop FF3 which generates
5 - 2 9 3 . When the CPU is in the halt mode
CKTS-P (waveform K, figure 28) and CKTR-N
and is addressed to perform an operation,
(waveform L, figure 28). CKTS-P is routed
the CPU address recognition circuit generates
to the CPU control circuit and CKTR-N is
CKEN-P (waveform A, figure 28). CKEN-P
routed to the CPU control circuit, CPU
activates gate Gl which triggers and sets
emulation instruction register circuit, and
FFl. Also, if the CPU ALU circuit is to per-
CPU transmit register circuit.
form logical operations rather than arithmetic
operations, the CPU microcode register cir-
5-289. After the 75 nsec delay of DL3, the
cuit generates M32T-P which enables G4.
low output of DL3 (75) is inverted by inverter
The 1 output of FFl activates G2 and the
I4. The output of I4, CKDO-P (waveform J,
CPU central timing control circuit cycles as
figure 28), is routed to the CPU control cir-
explained previously, Also, if data is to be
cuit. At the same time, the high output of
written into a register in the CPU register
DKl which has been delayed 30 nsec by DL3
file circuit, the CPU microcode register
is inverted by 16 which removes CKRD-P
circuit generates M02T-P which enables the
(waveform G, figure 28) and disables G4
set input of FF2. FF2 then generates CKFS-P
and G6. The output of G4 enables G2 and
as explained previously.
G5 and disables G6 which removes XSET-N.
The high-to-low transition output of 16
5-294. When the CPU is in the halt mode
triggers and sets FF4. The output of FF4,
and is addressed to perform an operation,
CKSR-N (waveform M, figure 28) is routed
the CPU address recognition circuit generates
to the CPU sequence register and microcode
CKEN-P (waveform P, figure 28). Also, if an
storage circuits.
arithmetic operation is to be performed by the
CPU ALU circuit, M32T-P is not generated
5-290. After the 90 nsec delay of DL3, the
which disables G4. CKEN-P activates Gl
low output of DL3 (90) disables G3 which
which triggers and sets FFl. The 1 output of
enables G2. If the CPU microcode register
FFl activates G2 and G5. The output of G5,
circuit generates M02T-P, the set input of
CKOO-P (waveform Q, figure 28), is routed to
flip-flop FF2 is enabled. After DL3 delays
the CPU control circuit. The output of G2 is
the high output of DRl 45 nsec, 13 inverts
coupled through DRl and the low output of
the high output of DLl (45) which disables
DRl, CKME-P (waveform R, figure 28), is
G4 and triggers and sets FF2. As a result,
routed to DL3 and the CPU microcode reg-
CKFS-P (waveform N, figure 28) is generated
ister circuit. I8 inverts CKME-P which
and routed to the CPU control circuit and
resets FF4 and generates CMEN-N (waveform
CPU register file circuit.
S, figure 28) which is routed to the CPU
address recognition circuit. CMEN-N also
5-291. After DL3 delays the high output of
disables G5 which removes CKOO-P (wave-
DR1 60 nsec, I7 inverts the high output of
form Q, figure 28). The pulse width of
DL3 (60) which removes C60A-P (waveform I,
CKOO-P is determined by the inherent delays
figure 28).  The low output of I7 disables
of G2, DRl, I5, and I8.
G3 and resets FF3 which removes CKTS-P
(waveform K, figure 28) and CKTR-N (wave-
5-295. After DL3 delays the low output of
form L, figure 28).
DR1 15 nsec, I2 inverts the low output of

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