TM 11-5805-663 -14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
5-188. The data recirculator U52 recircu-
lates the data stored in transmit shift reg-
isters US1 and U61 when they are shifted
5 - 1 9 3 . General. The CPU address register
left or right. When the CPU ALU input
circuit interfaces the CPU with the INFIBUS
multiplexer circuit generates M12S-P and
address lines to transfer address informa-
M13S-P, the 1C3 (T00S-P) and 2C3 (T15S-P)
tion to or from the INFIBUS. Address infor-
inputs of the data recirculator U52 are
mation from the CPU ALU circuit is stored
coupled to the 1Y and 2Y outputs, respec-
by the CPU address register circuit and
tively. If transmit shift registers US1 and
transmitted to the INFIBUS address lines.
U61 are shifted to the right, T00S-P is
The stored address information is also
routed to the CPU ALU input multiplexer
coupled through data recirculator U52 to
the SDRS (shift right) input of transmit shift
circuit for selection. Address information
register U51. If the transmit shift registers
on the INFIBUS address lines is received by
are shifted to the left, T15S-P is coupled
the CPU address register circuit and routed
through data recirculator U52 to the SDLS
to the CPU address recognition circuit.
(shift left) input of transmit shift register
5-194. Detail Analysis (see figure 18).
U61. This causes the data stored in trans-
When master reset, MRES-N, is generated
mit shift registers U51 and U61 to be re-
on the INFIBUS, the CPU transmit register
entered into the respective transmit shift
circuit generates RSET-N. RSET-N clears
address registers U6, U16, U26 and U36,
and presets flip-flops FFl and FF2. A16R-N
5 - 1 8 9 . When the CPU ALU input multi-
and A17R-N are generated by FFl and FF2,
plexer circuit generates M12S-P, data re-
respectively, and routed to the CPU emu-
circulator U52 couples the 1Cl and 2C 1
lation instruction register circuit.
inputs (CRYS-P) to the 1Y and 2Y outputs,
respectively. When shifting transmit shift
5-195. The CPU ALU circuit generates
registers US1 and U61 left or right, each
LB00-P through LB15-P which is routed to
successive low to high transition of CKTR-N
the inputs of the address registers U6, U16,
cause the associated data bit to assume
U26 and U36. When the CPU control cir-
the high or low level of CRYS-P.
cuit generates ARCK-P, the address regis-
ters are clocked and loaded with the LB00-P
5-190. When the CPU ALU input multiplex-
through LB15-P address information.
er circuit generates M13S-P, data recircu-
LB00-P is routed to the set and clear inputs
lator U52 couples the lC2 and 2C2 inputs
of FF2 and LBOl-P is routed to the set and
(ground) to the 1Y and 2Y outputs, respec-
clear inputs of FFl. When the CPU control
tively. When shifting transmit shift reg-
circuit generates SCM2-N, FFl and FF2 are
isters U51 and U61 left or right, each suc-
set or cleared depending on the levels of
cessive low to high transition of CKTR-N
LB00-P and LB0l-P.
causes the associated data bit to return
to logic 0.
5 - 1 9 6 . The address information stored in
address registers U6, U16, U26, and U36
5-191. With M12S-P and M13S-P both low,
is routed to bus drivers/receivers U10, U20,
data recirculator U52 couples the 1C0
U30, and U40 (Gl shown typical). When
(Tl5S-P) and 2CO inputs (ground) to the 1Y
ONLN-P is generated by the CPU INFIBUS
and 2Y outputs, respectively. When shifting
access circuit, the address bus drivers/
the transmit shift registers U51 and U61
receivers are activated which generates
left, each successive low to high transition
AB00-N through AB15-N. Address registers
of CKTR-N causes the associated data to
U6, U16, U26 and U36 also generate A00S-P
return to logic 0. If shifting the transmit
through A15S-P, which is routed to the CPU
shift register U51 and U61 right, each suc-
ALU input multiplexer circuit.
cessive low to high transition of CKTR-N
5 - 1 9 7 . When an address is on the INFIBUS
causes the associated data to assume the
address lines, the address bus drivers/
present value of Tl5S-P.
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