TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
A15S-P data from the CPU address register
receivers invert AB00-N through ABl5-N and
circuit to generate Y00A-P through Yl5A-P,
generate BA0l-P through BAl5-P. The inverse
as required, which are routed to the CPU
of AB00-N is not used. BA01-N through
ALU circuit.
BAO4-P are routed to the CPU emulation
instruction register circuit and BAO5-P
5-204. When the CPU microcode register
through BAl5-P are routed to the CPU ad-
circuit generates Ml6S-P and M17S-P, the
dress recognition circuit.
lC3 and 2C3 inputs of the 8 multiplexers
are selected and coupled to the 1Y and 2Y
outputs, respectively. This causes the
M04S-P through M11S-P data from the CPU
microcode register circuit to generate
5 - 1 9 9 . General. The CPU ALU input multi-
Y00S-P through YO7S-P and YO8S-P through
plexer circuit selects an operand (16-bit
Yl5S-P, as required, which are routed to
word) from either the CPU transmit register
the CPU ALU circuit. Y08S-P through
circuit, CPU receive register circuit, CPU
Y15S-P are identical to Y00S-P through
address register circuit, or an 8-bit word
Yl5S-P in this case.
from the CPU microcode register circuit.
5 - 2 0 5 . Gates Gl through G4 are enabled
5-200. Detail Analysis (see figure 19).
by Ml6S-P and M17S-P and all of the gates
Multiplexers U7, U8, U17, U18, U27, U28,
may be activated simultaneously or individ-
U37 and U38 are each dual 4-line-to-l-line
ually by M12S-P through M15S-P from the
data selectors which selects data as deter-
CPU microcode register circuit. M12S-P
mined by the binary code at the A and B
through M15S-P are also routed to the CPU
inputs of the multiplexers. Ml6S-P and
transmit register circuit and M12S-P is also
M17S-P from the CPU microcode register
routed to the CPU ALU carry and overflow
circuit are routed to all 8 multiplexers A
and B inputs and determine which data is
5 - 2 0 6 . If M12S-P and M13S-P are gener-
ated by the CPU microcode register circuit,
5 - 2 0 1 . When M16S-P and M17S-P, from
G2 and G4 are activated which disables
the CPU microcode register circuit are low,
multiplexers U8, U18, U28, and U38. The
the ICO and 2C0 inputs of the 8 multiplex-
M04S-P through M11S-P data from the CPU
ers are selected and coupled to the 1Y and
microcode register circuit generates Y08A-P
2Y outputs, respectively. This causes the
through Yl5A-P, as required, and Y00A-P
R00S-P through Rl5S-P data from the CPU
through YO7A-P will all be low.
receive register circuit to generate Y00A-P
through Y15A-P, as required, which are
5-207. If M14S-P and M15S-P are generated
routed to the CPU ALU circuit.
by the CPU microcode register circuit, Gl
and G3 are activated which disables multi-
5 - 2 0 2 . When the CPU microcode register
plexers U7, U17, U27, and U37. The
circuit generates M17S-P, the 1Cl and 2Cl
M04S-P through M11S-P data from the CPU
inputs of the 8 multiplexers are selected and
microcode register circuit generates Y00A-P
coupled to the 1Y and 2Y outputs, respec-
through Y07A-P, as required, and Y08A-P
tively. This causes the T00S-P through
through Y15A-P will all be low. Also, only
T15S-P data from the CPU transmit register
gate Gl, G2, G3 or G4 will be activated and
circuit to generate Y00A-P through Y15A-P,
its associated multiplexers disabled. The
as required, which are routed to the CPU
M04S-P through MlSS-P data from the CPU
ALU circuit.
microcode register circuit will be coupled
through the multiplexers that are enabled.
5-203. When the CPU microcode register
circuit generates Ml6S-P, the lC2 and 2C2
inputs of the 8 multiplexers are selected
and coupled to the 1Y and 2Y outputs, re-
5-209. Genera 1. The CPU ALU circuit per-
spectively. This causes the A00S-P through
forms one of sixteen logical functions or one
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