![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
5-171. Gates G2 through G4 and inverters
through M13S-P are routed from the CPU
13 and 14 decode inputs from the CPU micro-
microcode register circuit to the CPU se-
quence register and control storage circuit
code register circuit and CPU central timing
for decoding, M20S-P through M23S-P,
control circuit to enable the binary decoder
M22R-N, and M23R-N are routed from the
U32. When enabled, a binary-coded deci-
CPU microcode register circuit to the CPU
mal at the A0 through A2 inputs of binary
register file circuit for decoding. M13R-N,
decoder U32 causes one of the seven out-
M26S-P, and M27S-P are routed to the CPU
puts to go low.
carry and overflow circuit, and M02T-P and
M32T-P are routed to the CPU central timing
5-l72. Gates G6 through G12 decode inputs
control circuit for decoding.
from the CPU microcode register which con-
trols the operation of the CPU address reg-
ister circuit, CPU emulation instruction
register circuit, CPU transmit register cir-
5 - 1 6 8 . General. The CPU control circuit
cuit and the CPU carry and overflow circuit.
decodes portions of the microcode word
stored within the CPU microcode register
Data selector/multiplexer U47 de-
circuit to control the operation of the various
codes a binary-coded decimal at the A, B,
CPU circuits. The CPU control circuit con-
and C inputs and selects one of eight data
trols the following circuits: CPU sequence
inputs, DO through D7. Gates G13 and G14
register and control storage circuit, CPU
decode inputs from the CPU microcode reg-
ister circuit and CPU control timing control
address register circuit, CPU emulation
circuit to preset flip-flop FFl.
instruction register circuit, CPU INFIBUS
access circuit, CPU carry and overflow cir-
cuit, CPU central timing control circuit,
5-174. Gates G16 through G18 decode in-
puts from the CPU microcode register circuit
CPU microcode register circuit, and the
CPU address recognition circuit,
to generate STAT-N to the Bus Controller.
5-175. Flip-flops FF3 and FF5 are the CPU
5 - 1 6 9 . Detail Analysis (see figure 15).
When the master reset pulse, MRES-N, is
control register. FF3 is the halt buffer and
generated on the INFIBUS, MRES-N is in-
FF5 is the run buffer. When FF3 is set,
verted by inverter 19 which generates
the CPU is in halt mode and when FF5 is
MRST-P. MRST-P disables data selector/
cleared the CPU is in the run mode (per-
multiplexer U47, and MRST-P is also routed
forming operations). FF4 is the ALU buffer
to the CPU INFIBUS access circuit. In-
and when FF4 is set by ALU1-P, ALU1 -P is
verters 17 and 18 invert MRST-P which gen-
generated when a comparison test performed
by the CPU ALU circuit is true. FF2 is the
erates RSTl-P and RST2-P, respectively.
interrupt buffer which is cleared when inter-
RSTl-P is routed to the CPU central timing
rupts are processed by the CPU.
control circuit and RST2-P is routed to the
CPU emulation instruction register circuit
and CPU INFIBUS access circuit. In addi-
5-176. Data selector/multiplexer U41 de-
codes the binary-coded decimal at A, B, C,
tion, RSTl-N resets flip-flops FF3 through
and D inputs which selects one of the four-
teen inputs (EO through E12 and E14). The
selected input is inverted and coupled to
5-170. Data selector/multiplexer U48 de-
the W output which generates CNDT-N.
codes the binary-coded decimal at the A,
B and C inputs which selects one of the
eight data inputs (DO through D7). The
selected input IS coupled to the Y output of
data selector multiplexer U48 and the in-
5 - 1 7 8 . General. The CPU receive register
circuit Interfaces the CPU with the INFIBUS
verse of the selected input is coupled to
data lines for the bidirectional transfer of
the W output.
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